Meaning of Karma Police lyrics by Dan Avidan & Super Guitar Bros

"Karma Police" by Dan Avidan & Super Guitar Bros is a song that explores the concept of karma and the consequences of one's actions. The lyrics depict the speaker addressing the "karma police," which symbolically represents the forces of the universe that ensure justice and balance.

In the song, the speaker calls upon the karma police to "arrest this man" and "arrest this girl," implying that these individuals have engaged in harmful behavior. The characters described in the verses - the man who "talks in maths" and "buzzes like a fridge," and the girl with a "Hitler hairdo" - are both depicted negatively, suggesting that their actions are causing harm or discomfort to others.

The repeated chorus emphasizes the repercussions of interfering or causing harm, stating, "This is what you'll get, when you mess with us." It serves as a warning or reminder that actions have consequences and that one should be mindful of the impact they have on others.

The third verse reflects a sense of frustration or resignation from the speaker. They express that they have given their all, but it hasn't been enough to rectify the situation. The line "we're still on the payroll" suggests that they are still being subjected to the negative effects of the actions they are trying to stop.

The song concludes with the outro, where the speaker reflects on a moment of self-doubt or confusion, stating "For a minute there, I lost myself." This could suggest that amidst the pursuit of justice and balance, the speaker may have momentarily lost sight of who they are and their own values. However, they ultimately regain their sense of self.

Overall, "Karma Police" explores themes of accountability, consequences, and the importance of considering others in one's actions. It serves as a reminder to be mindful of how our behavior impacts those around us and the potential repercussions that can arise from negative actions.


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