Meaning of Arctic Monkeys - 505 (Traduzione Italiana) lyrics by Genius Traduzioni Italiane

The song "505" by Arctic Monkeys, as translated into Italian by Genius Traduzioni Italiane, explores themes of longing, distance, and the complexities of a romantic relationship.

In the chorus, the singer expresses their desire to return to the 505, indicating a specific location or possibly a room number. The distance to reach this place is described either as a 7-hour flight or a 45-minute car ride. This could represent the physical distance between the singer and their loved one, suggesting a separation that they are eager to overcome.

The lyrics further reveal the singer's vivid imagination, picturing their partner lying on their side, with their hands between their thighs. This imagery suggests a level of intimacy and passion that they long for, emphasizing their strong desire to be reunited.

In the first verse, there is a sense of urgency as the singer tells their partner to wait a second and acknowledges the way they are being looked at. Despite the intensity and potential risks involved in the relationship, the singer states that they would still adore their partner even if they had their hands around their neck. This line may be metaphorical, suggesting a willingness to weather the storms and challenges that come their way.

The fear of falling short or not meeting expectations is also present in the verse. The singer mentions being intimidated by a spark, possibly implying the fear of failure or not being able to achieve their goals. However, they acknowledge that they are willing to face the challenges and start over if necessary, describing it as a perfect point from which to begin again.

In the second verse, the singer admits that they crumble when their partner cries, as it feels like another goodbye. This highlights the emotional vulnerability of both the singer and their partner. It also suggests that the relationship may be characterized by a pattern of farewells or uncertainty.

The phrase "I'm always about to leave and ruin a surprise" implies that the singer's absence or departure may disrupt plans or expectations. They express regret for removing their hands from their partner's eyes too soon, possibly referencing missed opportunities or prematurely revealing something significant.

Ultimately, the chorus repeats the longing to return to the 505, emphasizing the intensity of the singer's desire. The inclusion of a smile in the final line suggests a glimmer of hope or the anticipation of a positive outcome.

Overall, "505" explores the longing and difficulties of a passionate, yet complex, romantic relationship. The song evokes a sense of distance, vulnerability, and the yearning to be reunited with a loved one.


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