Meaning of Lana Del Rey - Pretty When You Cry (Український переклад) lyrics by Genius Ukrainian Translations (Український переклад)

The song "Pretty When You Cry" by Lana Del Rey, translated into Ukrainian by Genius Ukrainian Translations, explores themes of love, manipulation, and self-worth. The lyrics depict the narrator's relationship with someone who constantly disappoints them and fails to keep their promises.

In the first verse, the narrator describes themselves as a girl the person dreams about, someone who they claim as their own. However, the person manipulates the narrator, making them feel like they are their entire world. This hints at an unhealthy dynamic where the narrator's worth is tied to the other person's desires.

The pre-chorus reveals the narrator's patience and loyalty towards this person despite their broken promises. They wait and hope for them to change, though they know deep down that they never stay true to their word. The repeated line "Ти ніколи й не дотримуєш" ("You never keep your word") emphasizes this disappointment.

The chorus, "Адже я гарна, коли плачу" ("I'm pretty when I cry"), reflects a distorted perception of self-worth. The narrator believes that they are beautiful or valued only when they are in pain or vulnerable. It suggests a toxic mindset where they associate their value with their suffering.

In the second verse, the narrator reflects on the time spent with this person, acknowledging that despite its significance for them, it means nothing in comparison to the person's addiction or fixation on drugs. However, they claim to have much more going on in their life beyond this toxic relationship and express that they don't need these memories anymore.

The bridge emphasizes the narrator's strength and independence, declaring that they are stronger than anyone they have been with, except for this specific person. It suggests a sense of power imbalance and codependency. The bridge also reveals their realization that they should not be told they are needed by someone who repeatedly walks away.

Overall, "Pretty When You Cry" delves into the complicated dynamics of a relationship where one person manipulates and disappoints the other. The lyrics convey a sense of longing, manipulation, and distorted self-perception, highlighting the destructive nature of this connection.


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