Meaning of Taylor Swift - champagne problems (Tradução em Português) lyrics by Genius Brasil Traduções

September 19, 2023

"Champagne Problems" by Taylor Swift is a song about a failed relationship and the regrets that come with it. The lyrics depict a narrative of two people who were once in love but have grown apart, leading to the dissolution of their relationship.

In the first verse, it is suggested that one person took a night train to address their feelings of sadness and uncertainty. They are unsure whether it is worse to be surrounded by busy crowds or in a silent slumber. This could symbolize their internal struggle and confusion about the state of their relationship.

The chorus reveals that the singer let go of their partner's hand while they were dancing, leaving them devastated and heartbroken. The "champagne problems" referred to in the song title are the trivial issues that seemed significant in the context of their relationship. The mention of the mother's ring in the partner's pocket and the singer's photo in their wallet suggests that they were once deeply connected but now face a disconnect.

In the second verse, it is revealed that the partner informed their family about the breakup. However, instead of celebrating, everyone seems saddened by the news. The mention of Dom Pérignon, a high-end champagne brand, signifies the expectations and grandeur associated with their relationship, which ultimately fell short.

The third verse presents a melancholic scene where the singer and their partner reminisce in a car. They reference a dormitory that used to be "an asylum," highlighting the instability and chaos of their relationship. The group of friends they shared is described as immature. The lines "One for the money, two for the show" suggest that their relationship was a spectacle to others, while the singer admits they were never fully prepared.

The bridge suggests that the partner will eventually move on and find someone else who will repair the damage caused by the failed relationship. The phrase "She'll patch up your tapestry that I shred" implies that the singer's actions caused pain and left a lasting impact.

The song concludes with the repetition of the chorus, emphasizing that the singer's "champagne problems" will eventually be forgotten, implying that the pain and issues they experienced will fade away, and life will go on.


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