Meaning of Aerosmith - Dream On (ترجمه فارسی) lyrics by Genius Farsi Translations (ترجمه‌ی فارسی)

The song "Dream On" by Aerosmith, translated into Persian by Genius Farsi Translations, explores several themes and emotions.

In the first verse, the lyrics reflect on the passing of time and the inevitability of aging. The mirror symbolizes self-reflection and introspection, as the protagonist notices the lines on their face becoming clearer. This could signify the realization that time moves quickly, as dusk turns into dawn. The lyrics suggest that everyone has their own challenges and debts to pay in life.

The interlude emphasizes the uncertainty and mysteries of life. It acknowledges that nobody truly knows where life comes from or where it goes. The line "You got to lose to know how to win" suggests that experiencing failure and loss is necessary to understand and appreciate success.

In the second verse, the lyrics touch on the idea of learning from both fools and sages. It implies that valuable lessons can be gained from both mistakes and wisdom. The line "All the things come back to you" suggests that the consequences of one's actions eventually catch up with them.

The chorus invites the listener to join in singing. It encourages singing for joy and laughter, as well as for sorrow and tears. The lyrics highlight the importance of living in the present moment and cherishing each day, as tomorrow is uncertain.

The bridge repeats the phrase "Dream on" multiple times, emphasizing the importance of holding onto dreams and pursuing them until they become a reality. The lyrics encourage listeners to persevere and continue dreaming, illustrating that dreams have the power to shape one's future.

Overall, "Dream On" conveys a message of resilience, self-reflection, and the significance of pursuing goals and aspirations. It encourages listeners to embrace life's ups and downs, learn from their experiences, and hold onto their dreams.


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