Meaning of Somebody That I Used to Know by Gotye,Kimbra lyrics by Genius Farsi Translations (ترجمه‌ی فارسی)

"Somebody That I Used to Know" by Gotye, featuring Kimbra, is a poignant and reflective exploration of the complexities of love, the pain of heartbreak, and the struggle to move on. Through its introspective lyrics and haunting melodies, the song delves into the emotional aftermath of a failed relationship and the lingering effects it can have on one's psyche.

The opening lines, "Now and then I think of when we were together / Like when you said you felt so happy you could die," immediately establish a sense of nostalgia and longing for a past love. The narrator reminisces on the happiness they once shared, highlighting the intensity of their emotions and how deeply they were invested in the relationship.

The following lines, "Told myself that you were right for me / But felt so lonely in your company," reveal the internal conflict the narrator experienced within the relationship. Despite believing their partner was the right match for them, they felt a profound sense of loneliness and disconnect in their presence. This contradiction highlights the complexities of love, as it can simultaneously bring happiness and sorrow.

The chorus, with the line, "But you didn't have to cut me off / Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing," exposes the pain of rejection and the suddenness with which the relationship ended. The narrator's ex-partner's actions of completely severing ties and denying the significance of their past love weigh heavily on them. The repeated phrase, "Now you're just somebody that I used to know," further emphasizes the sense of loss and distance between the two individuals.

As the song progresses, it delves into the narrator's attempts to process the breakup and come to terms with their feelings. The lines, "You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness / Like resignation to the end, always the end," express the notion that people can become accustomed to the pain of heartbreak and even find solace in it. This sentiment speaks to the complex psychology of attachment, as the familiar ache of loss can feel almost comforting in its certainty.

The lyrics, "Now and then, I think of all the times you screwed me over / But had me believing it was always something that I'd done," reveal the narrator's growing awareness of the toxicity and manipulation present in the relationship. They begin to question their own role in the downfall, feeling a sense of betrayal and hurt. This realization adds another layer of emotional complexity to the narrative, emphasizing the depth of the relationship's impact on the narrator.

Throughout the song, the collaboration between Gotye and Kimbra brings an added dimension to the story. Kimbra's response to Gotye's verses showcases a different perspective and adds depth to the narrative, giving voice to the ex-partner's side of the story. The harmony between their vocals creates a poignant juxtaposition of emotions, further intensifying the song's exploration of the complexities of human relationships.

In conclusion, "Somebody That I Used to Know" is a beautifully haunting examination of the intricacies of love, heartbreak, and the struggle to move on. It delves into the conflicting emotions experienced during and after a failed relationship, presenting the pain of rejection and the process of healing. Through its introspective lyrics and captivating melodies, the song resonates with listeners, providing a cathartic outlet for those who have experienced similar emotional journeys.


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