Meaning of Taylor Swift - this is me trying (ترجمه‌ی فارسی) lyrics by Genius Farsi Translations (ترجمه‌ی فارسی)

The song "this is me trying" by Taylor Swift, translated into Farsi by Genius Farsi Translations, explores the theme of self-reflection, growth, and perseverance in the face of hardships and regrets. The lyrics depict an individual who has been through difficult circumstances and is now trying to make amends and improve their life.

In the first verse, the narrator reflects on their past mistakes and regrets. They had once been successful and had everything going for them, represented by the "shiniest wheels," but now they feel rusty and worn down. They contemplate whether their return will even matter to someone else. The line "Pulled the car off the road to the lookout" suggests a moment of introspection and self-evaluation, removing themselves from the distractions of the world to reflect on their situation.

The chorus, "I just wanted you to know that this is me trying," serves as a plea for the listener to understand their efforts to change and improve their life. It is a vulnerable statement expressing the narrator's desire to be seen and acknowledged for their efforts, despite their past mistakes.

In the second verse, the narrator acknowledges that they have struggled mentally and wasted their potential. They describe their anger as a powerful force, using words as ammunition. The line "I was so ahead of the curve, the curve became a sphere" suggests that they were once ahead of societal norms but now find themselves back to square one. They compare their current position to being poured out to a stranger, showing their need for connection and understanding.

The bridge highlights the emotional struggles faced by the narrator. They express the difficulty of being in social situations when they feel emotionally wounded. All they desire is the presence of someone they care about, as represented by the line "all I want is you." The mention of being a "flashback in a film reel" indicates that this person they long for is a cherished memory.

The outro reinforces the message of perseverance and the narrator's unwillingness to give up. They recognize that they are at least trying, and that itself is significant.

Overall, "this is me trying" is a poignant and introspective song that speaks to the universal experience of grappling with regrets, self-doubt, and the constant effort to grow and improve. It emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and accepting past mistakes and making active efforts to change. The song's significance lies in its message of resilience and the reminder that it's okay to struggle as long as you keep trying.


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