Meaning of Google Translate Sings: “Royals” by Lorde lyrics by Twisted Translations (Ft. MALINDA)

In order to fully understand the meaning behind "Google Translate Sings: 'Royals' by Lorde," we must first acknowledge the unique context in which this rendition of the song is presented. Twisted Translations, along with the talented vocalist MALINDA, have created a version of Lorde's iconic hit using Google Translate to translate the lyrics into various languages, resulting in a comical and nonsensical interpretation. While the original song, performed by Lorde, carries powerful and thought-provoking themes, this adaptation's focus is primarily on humor and the amusement derived from the often inaccurate translations.

The lyrics in this rendition deviate significantly from the original, resulting in a series of nonsensical phrases when translated back and forth. However, within these absurd phrases, we can still extract meaning, albeit of a humorous nature. The recurring theme throughout the translation revolves around dental hygiene, specifically yellow and grey teeth. This peculiar fixation on teeth can be interpreted as a satirical commentary on societal expectations of physical appearance, suggesting that even in a nonsensical context, beauty standards persist, albeit in an absurd and exaggerated manner.

The references to diamonds and luxury, which were a central theme in Lorde's original lyrics, are repurposed in this translation to emphasize the absurdity of materialism. The mention of crystals, Cadillacs, and expensive brands like Maibach highlights the satirical element by juxtaposing such aspirations with the absurdity of the Google Translate-induced wordplay.

Despite the confusion and comedic nature of the translation, certain phrases still manage to communicate a semblance of meaningful ideas. The repeated refrain of not being royal and not having luxury in their blood signifies a departure from the conventional ideals of wealth and status. This adaptation suggests a desire for a different kind of excitement, something beyond the traditional notions of opulence and glamour. It challenges the listener to question societal pressures and embrace unique perspectives, ultimately celebrating individuality and rejecting the constraints of conventional norms.

The final verses, though still nonsensical, contain phrases like "more than we ever dreamed" and "fallen in love with the Queen," which can be interpreted as a whimsical nod to embracing unconventional paths and finding happiness in unexpected places. It suggests a rejection of societal expectations and celebrates the joys of a life lived on one's own terms.

It's important to note that this interpretation is based solely on the absurd and whimsical nature of the translated lyrics. The true intention of Lorde's original song "Royals" delves deeper into the exploration of classism, materialism, and the desire for a simpler and more genuine existence. While this Google Translate rendition deviates significantly from the genuine meaning of the song, it creates an entertaining experience that invites us to reflect on the absurdity of language and the unexpected ways in which meaning can be derived from even the most nonsensical of phrases.


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