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Runaway Horses (feat. Phoebe Bridgers)

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about 2 years ago

Lyrics für Runaway Horses (feat. Phoebe Bridgers) von The Killers,Phoebe Bridgers


Oh my heck, so, yeah, the Ute Stampede
I mean, that's a tradition for sure
Um, one year we were- it was raining all, like, stampedes
And this horse come out
And everyone, you know, said it was supposed to be the best
And it fell in the mud and
I mean, you could see its leg just totally snapped
It was just hanging there
And the girl, you know, laid down
It was the saddest thing, I mean
I think most of the crowd was crying
She sat up and laid over her horse
And just cried and hugged her horse
And, 'cause she knew that
You know, that was her last moments with that horse


Small town girl
Coca-Cola grin, honeysuckle skin
Born beneath the ready sign of a strawberry moon
Small town girl
Shows up for her friends, crazy 'bout The Bends
I was there when she first put away childish things


We had spring in our heels
Unwavering forces
Head first into the unknown


Like runaway horses
In a fever till the end
And every step is a silver prayer
In the face of a hard wind


You traded school
For wedding rings and rent, invitations sent
Of you and him by a barn out on the edge of town
Small town girl
Put your dreams on ice, never thinking twice
Some you'll surely forget and some that you never will


There was a promise in our stride
But we changed courses
Head first into the unknown


Like runaway horses
In a fever till the end
And every step is a silver prayer
In the face of a hard wind


Like runaway horses
It's a long way back home again
When every step is a silver prayer
In the face of a hard wind
Writer(s): Brandon Flowers, Robbie Connolly



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Letzte Bearbeitung about 2 years ago
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