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almost 2 years ago

Letra de Vernie de Blind Melon


Is it the way you're speakin'
Is it because I'm peakin'
Twistin' your face, thumb in hand, but you
Gotta have your own space to play in
A collection of glass chickens
Oh Vernie, what a garden you have


Maybe its the snuff under your lip
Or maybe caramel cake covered in Christmas
Oh a flower you are to my land, but I
No I cannot deny the beauty
If I had a heart I would want it to be like Vernie's
Oh what a heart that she has


Roaming through the cupboard jar of
Pickles never opened since 1983
Peanuts in a pile and Elvis down the aisle
Singing gallantly


I wish I could be
A little more like Vernie
Oh, I wanna be
I wanna be a little more like Vernie
Writer(s): Brad Smith, Glen Graham, Shannon Hoon, Thomas Stevens, Christopher Thorn


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Última edición almost 2 years ago
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