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about 1 year ago

Letra de The Magnetic Fields de Charlotte Cornfield


We went to see the Magnetic Fields at Theatre Corona
I maybe had one too many drinks
But I was grateful to you for showing up
Tickets were sold out but I scored us two
And that gave me points
That gave me points with you
That I went on to use


The theatre was dark, and the band was sitting down
You held my hand and got closer
I was so glad you were around
They played with confidence and resolve
And I wasn't nervous, no, I wasn't nervous at all
I wasn't nervous at all


Don't wanna paint you in a harsh light
Don't wanna paint you on a dark night
I thought if I said you were evil
I would get over it easier
But I didn't get over it at all
Not in the winter or the fall
Or the summer or the spring
Never got over anything


After the show you brought me home in a taxi
I was feeling a little sick
And you just wanted to relax with me
But I asked you to go
Guess I wanted to wake up all alone
Wake up all alone


Don't wanna paint you in a harsh light
Don't wanna paint you on a dark night
I thought if I said you were evil
I would get over it easier
But I didn't get over it at all
Not in the winter or the fall
Or the summer or the spring
Never got over anything
Never got over anything
Writer(s): Charlotte Cornfield


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Última edición about 1 year ago
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