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over 1 year ago

Letra de Comin’ Home de City and Colour


Well, I've been down to Georgia
I've seen the streets in the west
I've driven down the 90
And hell I've seen America's best


I've been through the Rockies
And I've seen Saskatoon
I've driven down the highway one
I just hope that I'd see you soon


'Cause I'm comin' home
I'm comin' home
I'm comin' home
I'm comin' home
I'm comin' home
I'm comin' home
I'm comin' home


I've never been to Alaska
But I can tell you this
I've been to Lincoln, Nebraska
And hell you know it ain't worth shit


I've been to Nova Scotia
Sydney to Halifax
But I'll never take any pictures
'Cause I know I'll just be right back


'Cause I'm comin' home
I'm comin' home
I'm comin' home
I'm comin' home
I'm comin' home
I'm comin' home
Comin' home


I've seen a palace in London
I've seen a castle in Wales
But I'd rather wake up beside you
And breathe that ol' familiar smell


I never thought you could leave me
I figured I was the one
But I understand your sadness
So I guess I should just hold my tongue


But I'm comin' home
I'm comin' home
I'm comin' home
I'm comin' home
Comin' home
I'm comin' home
Comin' home


I know we're takin' chances
You told me life was a risk
I just have one last question
Will it be my heart, or will it be his?


Comin' home
I'm comin' home
I'm comin' home
I'm comin' home
I'm comin' home
I'm comin' home
I'm comin' home
I'm comin' home
I'm comin' home


Comin' home
I'm comin' home
I'm comin' home
I'm comin' home
I'm comin' home
I'm comin' home
Comin' home
I'm comin' home
Writer(s): Dallas Green


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Última edición over 1 year ago
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