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5 contribuciones
about 5 years ago

Letra de You're a Woman, I'm a Machine de Death from Above 1979


Take what you want
My head is full
Take what you need
My price is good
You want it all
Just like you should
Your thoughts are pure
Just like they should
Be what you want
You want it all
I've seen it once
I've seen it all


Now that it's over, this weight is off my shoulder (x2)
Now that it's over, I love you more and more (x2)


I know that you
Would take my hand
If I were to
Give you the chance
You want it all
Just like you should
Our thoughts are pure
Our thoughts are good
Be what you want
You'll have it all
I've seen it once
We've seen it all


Now that it's over, this weight is off my shoulder
Now that it's over, I love you more and more
Writer(s): Sebastien Alexandre Grainger, Jesse Frederick Keeler


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Última edición about 5 years ago
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