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over 1 year ago

Letra de The Chase de Tinashé


Didn't take long to decide
That I could replace your body
I made up my mind
I ain't gonna chase nobody
No, I never did that, no, I never did that
No, I never did that, no, I never will
Run back, baby, if you need that
But I won't guarantee that I want you still, I am
One in a million
Made up my mind I ain't gonna chase nobody, yeah


Won't be missed when you're gone, I'm fine on my own
If there's something that's wrong, you should let me know
'Cause I won't stay for long, if you act brand new, I can change up too


If you change up I'ma change up too, so fast I can switch my moves
Never catch me running back to you
If you act up I'ma act up too, I do me while you do you
'Cause at the end of the day, you know I tried


Didn't take long to decide
That I could replace your body
I made up my mind
I ain't gonna chase nobody
No, I never did that, no, I never did that
No, I never did that, no, I never will
Run back, baby, if you need that
But I won't guarantee that I want you still, I am
One in a million
Made up my mind, I ain't gonna chase nobody, yeah


That I aint gonna chase nobody
No, I never did that, no, I never did that
No, I never did that, no, I never will
Run back, baby, if you need that
But I won't guarantee that I want you still, I am
One in a million
Made up my mind, I ain't gonna chase nobody
Writer(s): Abby-lynn Keen, Bobby Clifton Brackins


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Última edición over 1 year ago
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