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3 contribuciones
almost 12 years ago

Letra de 10 X 10 de Yeah Yeah Yeahs


10X10, 3X3
Was the house that buried me
Did I really drown?


10 lines leading to the seashore
Water's gonna lead the dogs my way
10 wives tearing up my leisure
Pressing little mouths gonna talk my way
Gonna talk my way


Out of my mind, out of my mind
Stolen my wife, stolen my night
Gonna take her into my life, into my life


3 males pounded in the front door
Start a few fires and end my stay
Well, even that urges in the back porch
Pressing little mouths gonna talk my way
Gonna talk my way


Out of my mind, out of my mind
Stolen my wife, stolen my night
Go and get her into my
Into my life, into my life, alright


10X10, 3X3
Was the house that buried me
Well, 10X10, 3X3
Was the house that buried me
Did I really drown?


10 lines leading to the seashore
Water's gonna lead the dogs my way
10 wives tearing up my leisure
Start a few fires and end my stay


Well, out of my mind, out of my mind
Stolen my wife, stolen my night
Gonna take her into my, into my life, into my life
Writer(s): Nicholas Joseph Zinner, Brian Chase, Karen Lee Orzolek


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Última edición almost 12 years ago
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