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7 months ago

Letra de Mouths Cradle de Björk


There is yet another one
That follows me wherever I go
And supports me


This tooth is warmth like
This tooth is warmth like
This tooth is warmth like


And these teeth are a ladder up to his mouth, oh
These teeth are a ladder that I walk
That you can walk too if you want


If you want up to the mouth
The mouth's cradle
Up to the mouth's cradle


He always has a hope for me
Always sees me when nothin' else and everyone have left can care
That ghost is brighter than anyone
And fulfills me with hope, those beams assure me


And you can use these teeth as a ladder
Up to the mouth's cradle, the mouth's cradle
And you can follow these notes I'm singing
Up to the mouth's cradle, the mouth's cradle


The simplicity of the ghost-like beast
The purity of what it wants and where it goes
Always love, always loves you, always loves you
Infrared love


And you can use these teeth as a ladder
Up to the mouth's cradle, the mouth's cradle
You can use these teeth follow my voice, tooth by tooth
Up to the mouth's cradle, the mouth's cradle


I need a shelter to build an altar away
From all Osamas and Bushes
I need a shelter to build an altar away
From all Osamas and Bushes
Writer(s): Bjork Gudmundsdottir


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Última edición 7 months ago
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