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over 2 years ago

Testo di Stuck On You di Elvis Presley

You can shake an apple off an apple tree
Shake-a shake- sugar
But you′ll never shake me
No-sir-ee, uh, uh
I'm gonna stick like glue
Stick because I′m
Stuck on you
Gonna run my fingers thru your long black hair
Squeeze you tighter than a grizzly bear
Yes-sir-ee uh uh
I'm gonna stick like glue
Stick because I'm
Stuck on you
Hide in the kitchen hide in the hall
Ain′t gonna do you no good at all
′Cause once I catch ya and the kissin' starts
A team o′ wild horses couldn't tear us apart
Try to take a tiger from his daddy′s side
That's how love is gonna keep us tied
Yes-sir-ee uh uh
I′m gonna stick like glue
Stick, because I'm
Stuck on you
Writer(s): J. Leslie Mc Farland, Aaron Schroeder


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Ultima modifica over 2 years ago
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