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Slovak の翻訳


Arabella′s got some interstellar gator skin boots
Arabella má pár topánok z kože medzihviezdneho aligátora
And a helter-skelter 'round her little finger, and I ride it endlessly
A horskú dráhu omotanú okolo jej malíčka a ja na nej donekonečna jazdím
She′s got a Barbarella silver swimsuit
Má strieborné plavky ako Barbarella
And when she needs to shelter from reality, she takes a dip in my daydreams
A keď sa potrebuje ubrániť realite, ponorí sa do mojich bdelých snov


My days end best when the sunset gets itself behind
Moje dni sa najlepšie končia, keď sa západajúce slnko dostane za
That little lady sittin' on the passenger side
Tú malú dámu sediacu na strane spolujazdca
It's much less picturesque without her catchin′ the light
Je to omnoho menej malebné keď sa od nej neodráža svetlo
The horizon tries, but it′s just not as kind on the eyes
Horizont sa snaží, ale nie je tak príjemný na pohľad
As Arabella, oh
Ako Arabella, oh
As Arabella
Ako Arabella


Just might've tapped into your mind and soul
Možno sa ponorila do tvoje mysle a duše
You can′t be sure
Nemôžeš si byť istý


Arabella's got a ′70s head
Arabella má myseľ ako zo sedemdesiatych
But she's a modern lover, it′s an exploration she's made of outer space
Ale ona je moderná milenka, je to prieskum vesmíru
And her lips are like the galaxy's edge
A jej pery sú ako okraj galaxie
And her kiss the colour of a constellation fallin′ into place
A jej bozk je farby súhvezdí zapadajúcich na miesto


My days end best when the sunset gets itself behind
Moje dni sa najlepšie končia, keď sa západajúce slnko dostane za
That little lady sittin′ on the passenger side
Tú malú dámu sediacu na strane spolujazdca
It's much less picturesque without her catchin′ the light
Je to omnoho menej malebné keď sa od nej neodráža svetlo
The horizon tries, but it's just not as kind on the eyes
Horizont sa snaží, ale nie je tak príjemný na pohľad
As Arabella, oh
Ako Arabella, oh
As Arabella
Ako Arabella


Just might′ve tapped into your mind and soul
Možno sa ponorila do tvoje mysle a duše
You can't be sure
Nemôžeš si byť istý


(That′s magic) in a cheetah print coat
To je mágia v geparďom kabáte
(Just a slip) underneath it, I hope
Len sa dúfam popodeň prekĺznem
(Askin' if) I can have one of those
(Spýtam sa, či) Môžem mať jeden z nich
(Organic) cigarettes that she smokes
Organických cigariet, ktoré fajčí
(Wraps her lips) 'round a Mexican Coke
Ovinie si pery okolo mexickej coly
(Makes you wish) that you were the bottle
Donúti ťa, priať si byť tou fľašou
(Takes a sip) of your soul, and it sounds like
Napije sa tvojej duše a znie to ako...


Just might′ve tapped into your mind and soul
Možno sa ponorila do tvoje mysle a duše
You can′t be sure
Nemôžeš si byť istý
Writer(s): Alex Turner
The song 'Arabella' by Arctic Monkeys describes a mysterious and alluring individual who captivates the singer's imagination. The lyrics use vivid metaphors comparing the person to outer space elements like galaxies and constellations, emphasizing their enigmatic and captivating nature.
Romantic admiration
• My days end best when the sunset gets itself behind that little lady sittin' on the passenger side • Arabella's got some interstellar gator skin boots
• her kiss the colour of a constellation fallin' into place • when she needs to shelter from reality, she takes a dip in my daydreams
Mystique and allure
• Just might've tapped into your mind and soul • Arabella's got a '70s head but she's a modern lover
Love, joy, reflection, adventure, nature
評価: PG




最終更新: 9 months ago
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