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almost 3 years ago

Lyrics of Eyes Without A Face by Night Flight


Let me ask about "Eyes Without... "
I don′t just to use senseless violence
Let me put it like that
"Eyes Without a Face" which you know I love
It's, it′s a ballad, yes?
Yeah (I mean)
Do you think that that's (rock ballad) that's poetry for you
No, not at all "Kiss Me Deadly" is a bit of a ballad
Well, I′ve done them before really "Hot in the City"
"It′s So Cruel" is a ballad on my first solo album
There's something so dreamy though about this
I mean, it′s really...
It's real late night (it′s real romantic)
Well, you know I was always into doing different things
And "Eyes Without a Face" is basically sort of a psychotic song
About people with no soul
And, and the sort of state of mind that you have
If you have no soul, which is a sort of nowhere
So um, we used a drum machine
So it's a constant mechanical beat, you know
Drummers just don′t like play like drum machines
They don't, you know
And so, ah, it doesn't sound like a drum machine, but it is one
You know it′s it′s mechanical, it's psychotic, it′s ill, sick
And, um, that's what′s good about it
It's not just a sad song, it′s a sick, sad song
And, uh, personally I think a lot of the emotions
That people have, have turned to sickness
And it's just one... it's just something about human beings, I mean
There′s a lot of frustration and things in people
That ends up in some sort of illness
And that usually ends up in destruction of the person they dislike
And that′s what "Eyes Without a Face" is, is
It's basically a murder song
It′s pretty though
But that's the point, you know
Murder is dressed up sometimes in the prettiest ways, you know
I think, you know, the most dangerous things sometimes look pretty
You know, like you know, it′s there are are always
These sealed caps to stop kids taking their father's pills, you know
′Cause the blue and yellow, and nice looking, you know,candy
And this, this sort of candy thing's about people, you know
And, uh, that's what "Eyes Without a Face" is sort of saying
It′s dressed up as a nice little thing, but it′s actually a, a sick song
That's what I like about it (me too)
That′s why people moan about me, actually
'Cause they think I′m a sick so-and-so
Probably right, but I think, you know, it's the way of getting rid of it
Getting rid of the sickness, and, and sort of telling yourself
You′ve got to watch out that you don't, and I personally
Don't become a person with no soul
Writer(s): Steve Stevens, Billy Idol



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The song 'Eyes Without a Face' by Night Flight delves into the concept of people lacking a soul, portraying them as being in a state of nowhere. The lyrics explore the idea of emotions turning into sickness and how this can lead to destructive behaviors, symbolized through the metaphor of murder being dressed up in pretty ways.
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Loss of humanity
• people with no soul • the sort of state of mind that you have if you have no soul
Sickness and frustration
• a lot of the emotions that people have, have turned to sickness • that usually ends up in destruction of the person they dislike
Deceptive appearances
• Murder is dressed up sometimes in the prettiest ways • the most dangerous things sometimes look pretty
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Despair, angst, social commentary, reflection, anger
Rating: PG-13
Lyrics may be unsuitable for younger ears
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Last edit almost 3 years ago
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