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Original Lyrics
Translation in Portuguese


Did I drive you away?
Eu te afastei?
I know what you′ll say
Eu sei o que você vai dizer
You say, "Oh, sing one we know"
Você vai dizer: Oh, cante uma que nós conhecemos
But I promise you this
Isso eu te prometo
I'll always look out for you
Eu sempre vou zelar por você
Yeah, that′s what I'll do
Sim é tudo que eu irei fazer


I say, "Oh"
Eu digo "Oh"
I say, "Oh"
Eu digo "Oh"


My heart is yours
Meu coração é seu
It's you that I hold on to
É em você que eu me seguro
Yeah, that′s what I do
Sim, é isso que eu faço
And I know I was wrong
E eu sei que estava errado
But I won′t let you down
Mas não vou te decepcionar
Oh, yeah, I will, yeah, I will, yes, I will
Oh sim, sim, sim eu irei, sim eu irei


I said, "Oh"
Eu disse, "Oh'
I cry, "Oh"
Eu choro "Oh"


Yeah, I saw sparks
Sim eu vi faíscas
Yeah, I saw sparks
Sim eu vi faíscas
And I saw sparks
E eu vi faíscas
Yeah, I saw sparks
Sim eu vi faíscas


Sing it out
La-la-la-la, oh-oh
La, la, la, la, la oh
La-la-la-la, oh-oh
La, la, la, la, la oh
La-la-la-la, oh-oh
La, la, la, la, la oh
La-la-la-la, oh-oh
La, la, la, la, la oh
Writer(s): Jonathan Mark Buckland, Christopher Anthony John Martin, William Champion, Guy Rupert Berryman
The track 'Sparks' by Coldplay talks about a person reflecting on a past mistake and promising to always be there for someone they care about. The sparks mentioned in the song could symbolize moments of passion, inspiration, or realization that have left a lasting impact on the person.
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Commitment and loyalty
• I won't let you down • I'll always look out for you • My heart is yours
Regret and acknowledgment of mistakes
• But I won't let you down • I know I was wrong
Emotional connection
• Yeah, I saw sparks
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Love, heartbreak, reflection, hope, joy
Rating: G
Lyrics are child-friendly and safe for all!
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Last edit 4 months ago
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