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If Brother Jack Were Here

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almost 8 years ago

Lyrics of If Brother Jack Were Here by Roy Acuff

Two drummers they were seated in a grand hotel one day
While dining they were chatting in a jovial sort of way
There came a pretty waitress to bring a tray of food
They spoke to her familiarly in a manner rather rude
At first she did not notice or make the least reply
But one remark was made to her brought tear drops to her eyes
She turned on her tormentors her cheeks were blushing red
Approaching as a picture these are the words she said
My mother was a lady and yours, you would allow
And you may have a sister who needs protection now
I′ve come to this great city to find my brother, dear
And you wouldn't dare insult me, Sir if brother Jack were here
The two set there in silence their heads hung down in shame
Forgive me, Miss, we meant no harm pray tell me what′s your name
She told him and he cried aloud, I know your brother, too
And we've been friends for many years and he often speaks of you
Come go with me when I go back, and if you're lonely where
I′ll take you to him as my bride, for I loved you since you said
Writer(s): Roy Acuff



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Last edit almost 8 years ago
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