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Letras de Be Mine de Ofenbach


And I want you to be mine


Stand up in the club
Come on, let's go
She want me to come
He want me to go
And if you wanna fight
Let's start the show
'Cause I want you to be mine


Stand up in the club
Come on, let's go
And I want you to come
I won't let you go
So if you wanna dance
Let's start the show
'Cause I want you to be mine
Yeah, I want you to be mine


Yeah, I want you to be mine


Stand up in the club
Come on, let's go
She want me to come
He want me to go
And if you wanna fight
Let's start the show
'Cause I want you to be mine


Stand up in the club
Come on, let's go
And I want you to come
I won't let you go
So if you wanna dance
Let's start the show
'Cause I want you to be mine
Yeah, I want you to be mine (mine, mine...)


Yeah, I want you to be mine


(Can you feel? Ain't it special? And it's real)
(Even if just for the night, impress me)
Yeah, I want you to be mine
Writer(s): Cesar Laurent De Rumel, Dorian Lauduique, Gabriella West


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Última edição: over 2 years ago
Mostrar 26 contribuidores
Be Mine
Be Mine
Single • 2016 • 1 faixa
Be Mine
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