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about 1 year ago

Letras de Revolution 0 de boygenius

Imaginary friend
You live up in my head
So I′ve been making music
Since you told me to do it
I just want you to know
Who broke your nose
Figure out where they live
So I can kick their teeth in
If it isn't love then what the fuck is it?
I guess just let me pretend
I don′t want to die
That's a lie
But I'm afraid to get sick
I don′t know what that is
You wanted a song
So it′s gonna be a short one
Wish I wasn't so tired
But I′m tired
If you're not enough, then I give up
And then nothing is
I used to think if I just closed my eyes
I would disappear
Writer(s): Lucy Elizabeth Dacus, Phoebe L. Bridgers, Julien Rose Baker


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Última edição: about 1 year ago
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