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Letras de Me and My Husband de Mitski


I steal a few breaths
From the world for a minute
And then I'll be nothing forever
And all of my memories
And all of the things I have seen
Will be gone
With my eyes with my body with me


But me and my husband
We're doing better
It's always been just him and me
So I bet all I have on that
Furrowed brow
And at least in this lifetime
We're sticking together
Me and my husband
We're sticking together


And I am the idiot with the painted face
In the corner, taking up space
But when he walks in, I am loved, I am loved


Me and my husband
We're doing better
It's always been just him and me
So I bet all I have on that
Furrowed brow
And at least in this lifetime
We're sticking together
Me and my husband
We're sticking together
Me and my husband
We're doing better
Writer(s): Mitsuki Laycock


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Última edição: about 3 years ago
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