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24 contribuições
over 1 year ago

Letras de Silver Soul de Beach House


Gather matters of the heart
So we can act a fool
It's incomplete without you
The silver soul is running through
It's a vision, complete illusion, yeah


The needle on the spinning wheel
Collecting silver coil
It gathers heat without you
Whether or not you're turned from it
It's a quick turn to let us in, yeah


It is happening again
It is happening again
It is happening again, ah-ah
It is happening again


The bodies lying in the sand
They're moving in the dark
It is so quick to let us in
We feel it moving through our skin
It's a sickness, infinite quickness, yeah


It is happening again
It is happening again
It is happening again, ah-ah
It is happening again


It is happening again, ah-ah
It is happening again
It is happening again, ah-ah
It is happening again


It is happening again, ah-ah
It is happening again
It is happening again
Writer(s): Alex Kristian Scally, Victoria Garance Alixe Legrand


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Última edição: over 1 year ago
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