Music Video

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Ally Hasche
Ally Hasche
Background Vocals
Bradley Robert Petering
Bradley Robert Petering
Dan Komin
Dan Komin
Faith Harding
Faith Harding
Background Vocals
Madison Acid
Madison Acid
Background Vocals
Trung Ngo
Trung Ngo
Background Vocals
Wyatt Harmon
Wyatt Harmon
Background Vocals
Bradley Robert Petering
Bradley Robert Petering
Bradley Robert Petering
Bradley Robert Petering
Recording Engineer
Jason Wyman
Jason Wyman
Mixing Engineer


She said, "How could you joke at a time like this?" I know why, because this is what you wanted all along now, isn't it? I think that all you ever really ever wanted was a reason to complain That never stopped you before, don't let it get in your way Those are her words, not mine As far as I'm concerned, we could've had a good time, so If you walk out that door in disgust I guess there's nothing more to discuss Birds don't sing, they just fall from the sky Girls don't call, and they never tell you why That's just how they say goodbye Goodbye Don't listen to my music, don't lie in my bed Don't listen to the references To things you might have actually said 'Cause those are my words, not yours As far as I'm concerned, it could've been a lot worse I wasn't trying to avoid the confrontation She isn't crying, she's just making conversation Birds don't sing, they just fall from the sky Girls don't call, and they never tell you why That's just how they say goodbye Goodbye
Writer(s): Bradley Robert Petering Lyrics powered by
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