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Bruno Mars Invites Everyone To The Party On His Funky New Single “24K Magic”

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He verified all the lyrics on Genius, too.

Bruno Mars is back with a new single “24K Magic,” his first solo single since 2012. The new single is an “invitation to party” for his fans, according to a recent post on Instagram. The single, produced by Shampoo Press & Curl and The Stereotypes, sounds like a sequel to his last hit—his 2014 collab with Mark Ronson, “Uptown Funk.”

The groovy, disco-influenced track doesn’t sound much different than the vibe of his last album, 2012’s Unorthodox Jukebox. But as we’ve seen with the success of “Uptown Funk,” why change a winning formula? “24K Magic” kicks off with talkbox vocal effects—there’s been some chatter of it sounding similar to 2pac’s “California Love.”

It would make sense that the party is more than just a celebration for the sake of celebration but rather to announce his comeback and new album. Either way that celebration is carried out in the music video, which is set in Las Vegas, because what better place to show just how one can relish in their success than in the flashiest city in the world?

You can read all the verified lyrics to Bruno Mars’ “24K Magic” on Genius.