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The Best Biblical References On Chance The Rapper’s ‘Coloring Book’

Chance’s favorite Bible verse is Proverbs 8:1-11

Religion has always been a staple ingredient in Chance The Rapper’s music, but on Coloring Book, Chance embraces faith like we’ve never seen before. From the gospel beat on “No Problems,” to his cousin Nicole performing “How Great Is Our God” as the intro on “How Great,” Chance delves deep into scripture on his third project. Genius broke down the best biblical references on Coloring Book to see which Bible passages Chance keeps close to his heart.

A Mustard Seed Is All You Need

On “How Great,” Chance uses one of Jesus’ teachings in Matthew 17:20 to explain to his listeners how strong his faith is.

Chance Likens Himself To Moses

Referring to Exodus 34:1, Chance likens himself to Moses, who was responsible for leading the Jews from slavery in Egypt to God’s promised land. Like Moses led the Jews, Chance plans to lead other artists into their independence from record labels.

He Knows His Bible Verses Inside Out

With a joint allusion to Psalm 34:3 and Ephesians 6:17, Chano makes it clear that all he wants in this life is exalt God, so that He will protect Chance’s family in times of need.

Chano Can’t Be Defeated By Temptation

Chance uses Genesis 3, better known as the story of Adam and Eve, to prove how he can’t be defeated by temptation.

Chance Is Familiar With The Old And New Testaments

While various religions disagree on whether Jesus is the son of God, Chance believes that Jesus is the true King of Kings.

Remember The Bricks From Chance’s Performance On Fallon? Not A Coincidence

Donnie Trumpet (Nico) and Chance are best friends, and it shows on “Blessings.” In Joshua 6, the Israelites knock down the Jericho Walls by blowing their trumpets.

Watch the “walls fall” on Fallon:

If Chance Has Anything To Do With It, Jesus’ Second Coming May Be Closer Than You Think

While the scriptures say Jesus will one day return, they don’t specify when. If Chance has anything to do with it, Jesus might make a come back earlier than expected.

Chance’s Favorite Bible Verse Is Proverbs 8:1-11

In his Reddit AMA, Chance revealed that his favorite Bible verse is Proverbs 8:1-11. But what most people don’t know is that he actually alludes to this verse on “How Great.”

Related: Read All The Lyrics To Chance The Rapper’s New Project ‘Coloring Book’