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“There are little Easter eggs in there that we [my team] have amongst ourselves like as far as why we had certain things in there, like the waves crashing on certain songs. But the overall story is about a relationship that just didn’t work out. The story is in three parts. The first couple of songs represent the infatuation stage. Then you get to the middle with “Favorite Mistake” and “This Ain’t Love” and that’s when the conflicts start to happen. When you get to “Heartbreak Anniversary”, “Like I Want You” and “Vanish”, that’s the heartbreak stages and the thoughts that happen after the fact. You can hear that story lyrically, but even in the production, the songs become more somber as the project progresses – Giveon via Lyrical Lemonade


  • Translations

  • What's the artist's favorite song in the album?

    My favorite is Favorite Mistake. I’m really vibing with that one right now. I don’t know if it’s because I made it and it’s a newer song, or if it’s because that’s the only song I had any form of production on. But I’m a big fan of Favorite Mistake.

    —GIVĒON via Flaunt

  • What was the writing process like?

    The process for that album was really amazing because I wasn’t known yet at all. I could create freely without eyes and pressure on me. I just wrote about all of my experiences with relationships all the way up until that point. When it comes to writing, I never force myself to write. When I do that, gibberish ends up on the page. I always let stories come to me naturally. They’re always pouring out of me to be honest.

    —GIVĒON via Vogue

  • Who handled most of the production on the project?

    It was executive produced by Sevn Thomas, but we had a handful of producers like Boi-1da, Los Hendrix, Sevn Thomas did “World We Created”. The interlude was an acapella, so that was just me. That interlude actually came from a voice note that I made while I was walking to Bubba Gump for work one day. “Favorite Mistake” that was one of the first songs that I produced with my engineer and co-producer. I’m a little bias, but that’s another one of my favorite songs too cause it was one of the first songs that I ever played keys on. Jahaan Sweet as well-he’s amazing. Wondagurl to- she did “This Ain’t Love” with Jahaan. It was an all-star squad, so hopefully they come back for next time.

    —GIVĒON via Lyrical Lemonade

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When did GIVĒON release TAKE TIME?

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