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Jacob Banks

About “Village”

The title of the album is based after the phrase “It takes a village to raise a child”. The album is very narrative from Jacob Banks' point of view. It contains stories from all the experiences Banks had growing up.
(Source: NME)

“Village” Q&A

  • What does the artist have to say about the album?

    I have a new album called Village. It’s based off the phrase; ‘It takes a village to raise a child.’ I’ve always loved that phrase because it doesn’t say it takes a good village, or bad village, or mediocre village, it just says it takes a village, so we’re just essentially all just a product of whatever cards we’re dealt from the point of view of a storyteller.

    I’m just celebrating all my loves: my love for hip hop, my love for soul, my love for afrobeats, for reggae, my love for UK youth culture, and politics: My love for whatever. What I hoped for with this album is that it keeps people company. I hope you find a friend in there somewhere. I’ll be cool with that.

    – Jacob Banks via Highsnobeity

  • Why is this album being released in three parts?

    I’m going to release about five or six songs in a track list. The first song comes out in September. I think the whole tracklist will come in October, and it will all be presented as a whole album when the third chapter comes out. Albums are becoming so disposable. We put so much effort into these stories. I want people to be able to listen to them at a pace that suits them.
    As a newer artist, expecting someone to give you an hour and a half of their time is a big ask because people have stuff to do. Even if they love your music, they still have things to do. [Releasing] five [songs] at a time, I think people can handle. They can just live with those. I’ll [then] give you five more. And when you’re done? I’ll give you five more.

    – Jacob Banks via Tidal

What is the most popular song on Village by Jacob Banks?
When did Jacob Banks release Village?

Album Credits

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