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About “Churches”

“Churches” Q&A

  • What did the artist say about the album's title and main concept?

    I don’t want to criticize believers, because everybody can have the relationship they want with God. It’s none of my business. But it still makes me wonder: what takes you there? What do you consider as sacred? It’s [actually] a beautiful notion, because it’s something that stays with you even in the darkest times, and that [idea of faith] must be protected.

    [Churches] are places that were built to glorify God, but then we use our human subjectivity to put borders around that meaning. Doing or giving something in order to get something else as a reward is never a good thing. You should always give without any expectation, even in love. [I think] many aspects of churches are old-fashioned, but at least their beauty is unquestionable.

    – LP, via Billboard.it

What is the most popular song on Churches by LP?
When did LP release Churches?

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