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About Gojira

Gojira is a technical/progressive death metal band from Ondres, France.

Gojira is composed of Joe Duplantier on vocals and rhythm guitar, his brother Mario Duplantier on drums, Christian Andreu on lead guitar, and Jean-Michel Labadie on bass. However, Labadie has only been in the band since 2001; his predecessor was Alex Cornillon, who then became a theatre actor.

Common lyrical themes include the environment, spirituality, life & death, and biophilia. Although their early material was straight technical death metal, their sound has become slightly softer over time. Their 2016 album, Magma, appears to have abandoned death entirely and transitioned to straight progressive metal.

The band was known as Godzilla until 2001, changing their name due to legal issues with the giant fictional monster of the same name.