Troye Sivan is getting verified!

Calling all Troye fans! HE’S HERE!!!…

We have the man/boy himself coming in to Genius this WEDNESDAY to get a verified account and talk with us about his new album, Blue Neighbourhood, out next month.

We’ll be taking a look at your annotations with him, so feel free to revisit his pages and make sure they’re up to snuff! And if you have any questions for him, please, post them here, and we’ll do our best to cover everything. Try and keep it lyric-based!


cc top scholars: @imcrazysosueme @drivingforce @Kirsses @chihuahua0 @nicole13 @jennamusic @TeuntjeVDW @daydreaming-for-surviving @DaylightRing @sippin-waterfalls @ArturTPP @LanaDelReyquaza @futoriaisdead @annamnatijah @krazyinlove

and my friends/scholars: @dalmo @annaose @ScopeY @DaveHowell @TheScrivener

love, ez

November 2nd, 2015
November 2nd, 2015

OMFG !!!!!!! KNSFJSKJGSJHJSNKFJS Yes!!!!!!!!!! How exciting ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ)

Questions for Troye..

November 2nd, 2015


November 2nd, 2015

@Kirsses I wanna help I wanna help I wanna help

November 2nd, 2015

Also, leave any tips ITT for how I can keep myself from fainting when I meet him on Wednesday.

November 2nd, 2015
November 2nd, 2015

Wait, he’s 20? Ask him about his skincare routine, whew.

On “Wild”, he mentions “running on the music” whilst in a secret relationship. What music was he listening to at that time in his life?

November 2nd, 2015

By far this is the best week of 2015, first Banks anounces a new song and then Troye is coming to genius.

Woah just woah.

November 2nd, 2015

Okay so I found this interview with EMI which should be really super duper very helpful in making the descriptions pretty, even for the unreleased/not yet performed tracks. * wipes sweat off forehead *


November 3rd, 2015

Omg I’m restraining my caps because it would look insane but know it’s taking all of my willpower not to freak out right now.

Questions for Troye:

How can you function in society knowing you’re so amazing?
What was it like working with Broods (or at least Georgia Nott)?
Your AOTY?
PM me with a zip of Blue Neighbourhood?
Favorite song off of Blue Neightbourhood?
Song you’re most excited to share off of Blue Neighbourhood? (assuming answer is different than previous)

November 3rd, 2015

PM me with a zip of Blue Neighbourhood?
Favorite song off of Blue Neightbourhood?


November 3rd, 2015

@Kirsses Super helpful. Props for finding that, you’re the best.

And you made me smile.

November 3rd, 2015

Ok I may be a bit too excited for this. My questions for Troye:

What are your favorite lyrics off any song of the album?
Have you learned anything during the process of writing Blue Neighbourhood?
What do you think of a Troye/LANY collab?
How do you feel knowing that when you read this there will be only one month left until the album comes out?

November 3rd, 2015

OH MY GOODDDD!!! 🙊😱😭🎉🎉🎉 I can’t belive he’s actually going to read the annotations. And get verified.

Okay but if there are any lyrics that are not annotated yet, how cool would it be to have Troye write an anotation himself, on his own lyrics.

Also, questions for Troye:
What is your favorite collaboration on Blue Neighbourhood and why? (Excluding EASE bc we already know Broods were your dream collaboration)

Who is your biggest inspiration (in music or in your private environment)

Out of all the shows you played so far, which one was your favorite and why?

Are all of the songs about the same relationship or did you consider past experiences/merged them into one to create a bigger story?

November 3rd, 2015


I’d love to ask some questions to Troye! I’ve always had a few questions about his lyrics that I’ve always wanted to ask him. 

Here they are: 

-When you write your lyrics, do you have a set idea of what kind of song you have in mind to right about? 

-Do you ever think of a lyric and become inspired to write a song based around it? 

-How much of the lyrics on Blue Neighbourhood are written by you? 

-Do you prefer your lyrics to be straightforward or open for interpretation? 

-Did you intentionally include some song titles in your other song’s lyrics? example: in bite, it says “puts me at ease” and in wild it says “too long since ive been a fool" 

Also, where will we be able to view his answers? 

Thank you! 

Sent from my iPhone

November 3rd, 2015