What Rock bands/albums should I listen to as a hip-hop/rap head to get into the genre???

Ok, I’m very knowledgable of hip-hop music, it’s probably my favorite genre.


I like MUSIC in general. I listen to everything from classical (beethoven, Olafur Arnalds, and Howard shore) to soul (Sam Cooke, Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder) to Pop (Mike Jack, Bruno Mars, Adele) to R&B (John Legend, Frank Ocean, Janet Jackson) But when it comes to Rock music I’m unsure on what bands/albums to listen to or where to even start (especially with the many different subgenres – hard/soft/alternative/punk/grunge/screamo/etc.

I’ve always had a friendly acquaintance with Rock music. I listened to Linkin Park as a kid. And in high school I listened to some “indie/Alternative” rock songs like The Black Keys, Cage The Elephant, and Paramore. I really liked those songs but I never really kept up with their music and I feel like those bands are more “mainstream”.

So, basically I just want to know what Rock albums/bands a Hip-Hop Head like me should listen to in order to seriously get into the genre.

One other thing: I don’t mind screaming and yelling as long as it’s not ear shattering and ridiculous. (for example Linkin Park had screaming in some of their songs and it was kinda cool) So as long as it’s not crazy, break my headphones level screaming i’m cool with it.

#So give me some albums/bands guys!

December 21st, 2015

The Beatles all day long. They’re beyond parallel.

Then some others to check out: David Bowie (The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars), The Who (Who’s Next), The Clash (London Calling), The White Stripes (White Blood Cells, Elephant), R.E.M. (Green), Vampire Weekend (Vampire Weekend), Arctic Monkeys (AM), and Bombay Bicycle Club (So Long, See You Tomorrow).

Would also suggest checking out a greatest hits collection from Queen. They have good albums but they’re not that accessible.

Bob Dylan is just as inescapable as the Beatles, but not as accessible. I would suggest checking out Blood On The Tracks, Highway 61 Revisited, and Blonde On Blonde. If you like them (and you probably will), then listen to some more of his stuff, and try some other songwriters like Joni Mitchell, Leonard Cohen, Nick Drake, Joanna Newsom

Then some things to move onto afterwards: David Bowie (Low), Vampire Weekend (Modern Vampires Of The City), The Rolling Stones (Exile On Main Street), Pink Floyd (The Dark Side Of The Moon, Wish You Were Here), The Byrds (5th Dimension), Radiohead (OK Computer), Arcade Fire (Funeral, The Suburbs), Manic Street Preachers (The Holy Bible), Talking Heads (Remain In Light), The Cure (Disintegration), Modest Mouse (Good News For People Who Like Bad News), The National (Boxer, Trouble Will Find Me, High Violet), Against Me! (Transgender Dysphoria Blues)… I could go on, and I probably will.

There’s absolutely loads of great stuff out there. My main rec is to just jump on The Beatles, see what you like, and go from there.

December 21st, 2015

I’m not a huge rock guy beyond metal, and even then just the ‘-core’ genres with some scattered exceptions, but I’d definitely recommend Rage Against the Machine

December 21st, 2015

I listened to Linkin Park as a kid.

We all did, lmao. Anyways, my boi @Vesuvius has a GOAT list you should look into. But while I’m staying up to finish my Sufjan Stevens spree, I’ll plot another out for you. All great artists, but I’m only recommending one per artist as to force you to look into multiple ones and explore each’s work on your own. Get it? Let’s get it!:

Classic Rock & Roll

The Beatles – Abbey Road
The Beach Boys – Pet Sounds
Pink Floyd – The Wall
U2 – The Joshua Tree
The Who – Quadrophenia
David Bowie – The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars
Led Zeppelin – Led Zeppelin IV
Fleetwood Mac – Rumors
Bruce Springsteen – Born In The U.S.A.
The Velvet Underground & Nico – The Velvet Underground & Nico
Captain Beefheart and his Magic Band – Trout Mask Replica
Bob Dylan – Highway 61 Revisited
Sonic Youth – Daydream Nation
The Rolling Stones – Exile on Main St.

Hard Rock / Metal (and all its subgenres)

Deafheaven – Sunbather
AC/DC – Back In Black
Guns N' Roses – Appetite For Destruction
Metallica – …And Justice For All
Mastodon – Leviathan
Faith No More – Angel Dust
Alice in Chains – Dirt
Iron Maiden – The Number of the Beast
Queens of the Stone Age – Songs For The Deaf
Megadeth – Rust In Peace
Tool – Undertow

Alternative / Indie Rock

Radiohead – OK Computer
Blur – Think Tank
The Strokes – Is This It
Pearl Jam – Ten
The Smashing Pumpkins – Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness
Neutral Milk Hotel – In The Aeroplane Over The Sea
Vampire Weekend – Modern Vampires of the City
Arctic Monkeys – Favourite Worst Nightmare
Beach House – Teen Dream
Sufjan Stevens – Carrie & Lowell
TV On The Radio – Nine Types of Light
Tame Impala – Lonerism
Interpol – Turn On The Bright Lights
Mac DeMarco – Salad Days
The White Stripes – Elephant
Arcade Fire – Neon Bible
Nirvana – Nevermind

Note: Highlighted albums are my personal favorites of all time. The best ones here? That’s subjective. Just me pushing my taste on you is all. I assume country doesn’t fall under what you’re looking for, but it’s guitar-based, so take your sweet time to bang Johnny Cash’s At Folsom Prison and Willie Nelson’s Stardust as well. I play either at least once a week and I barely listen to country.

December 22nd, 2015

@BarryBombs Any particular reason you picked Born in the U.S.A. over Born to Run? Both are great, but I’d give the edge to Born to Run.

December 23rd, 2015

@arobie1992 I barely listen to Bruce, it’s the one I’m just most familiar with

December 23rd, 2015

TBH I hate Born In The USA. It’s the moment the 80s infected Bruce’s music. Give me Born To Run or Darkness On The Edge Of Town or even Nebraska, please.

It doesn’t really matter, but I disagree with half Barry’s list of “best albums by this artist”. I guess that’s the fun of music.

December 23rd, 2015

@shaenAVERSE Some very good crossover work, i.e. albums with rock AND rap, that would make for a good transition would be some early Beastie Boys stuff and a lot of Rage Against the Machine.





Travis Barker, the drummer for blink-182 has a career in hip hop production, so if you decide you like the rap stuff below, try the classic pop punk that comes after it; the second link has the (amazing) guitar player from Rage Against the Machine + RZA & Raekwon of Wu-Tang Clan.





Bear in mind, all of this is just stuff that makes rock more accessible to you; there’s much more to rock than just this, but what I’m giving you gives you a better bridge than something like Judgement Night.

December 24th, 2015

*i.e. music with

December 24th, 2015

I’ll just add some bands not listed already.

The Dave Clark Five
The Tremeloes
The Move
The Herd
Herman’s Hermits
The Monkees
The Lovin' Spoonful
The Kinks
The Hollies

The Sweet
The Ramones
Status Quo

Electric Light Orchestra (late 70’s, early 80’s)
Dire Straits

I took some from each era, I personally enjoy the 60’s era the most.

December 29th, 2015

@Vesuvius Did indeed have GOAT list, some I need to check out for myself. Though I don’t think anyone has answered your question. My favorite Genre is Hip Hop too, followed by Rock. You will probably enjoy something alot snare, like DEFTONES and SLIPKNOT. You should definitely check out the classics, but ease your way in. My one album that I would recommend if I was gonna try to hook you into Rock music? I would either go with Nirvana’s MTV UNPLUGGED performance (watch it, don’t just listen to it), or Bowie’s “The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust” depending on what kind of Hip Hop you’re into.

January 11th, 2016

BTW do you listen to Your Old Droog? Listen to “48th” street, then go check out his new EP “Kinison”. It’s rock inspired and has alot of references to the genre, it will give you some homework to do and you’re gonna wanna find out what the fuck it is that he’s talking about. The “Kinison” EP starts off with some comedian from the 70s trashing rap music, then every track has the name of a rock band he likes and raps the entire song off how the band played a role in his life or whatnot, amazing tape!

January 11th, 2016

Well as stated, if you want something that actually has rap in it try Rage Against the Machine, Pantera, and Beastie Boys

My favorite kind of rock is 70s rock.

The 70s had a ton of different popular rock genres; Hard Rock, Blues Rock, Folk Rock, Progressive Rock, Soft Rock, Jazz Rock, Southern Rock, and the start of heavy metal.

I’m sure you’ve heard of most, if not all of these bands, but here they are just in case, these span across all of the different sub genres mentioned.

Led Zeppelin
Creedence Clearwater Revival
Jim Croce
Lynyrd Skynyrd
Black Sabbath
The Who
The Doors
Pink Floyd
Steely Dan
The Allman Brothers

Here’s just a few songs to get the general idea of the sound that is 70s rock…

These songs aren’t necessarily the biggest hits (insert Hotel California, Stairway to Heaven, Paranoid, Dream On, More than a Feeling, Tom Sawyer etc.), but they are songs that I feel represent their respective albums/bands quite well.

Led Zeppelin – Good Times Bad Times
Creedence Clearwater Revival – Green River
Aerosmith – Movin' Out
Rush – Anthem
Steely Dan – Reelin' in the Years
Black Sabbath – A National Acrobat
AC/DC – Little Lover
Lynyrd Skynyrd – Call Me the Breeze
America – Ventura Highway

If you’re not quite sure where to start with a band, just start with the first album, and go from there if you like it, that usually works out perfectly.

January 12th, 2016

the war on drugs last album was really good nd chill. if u like laid back music it’s one of the best for that.

January 13th, 2016

I’m only going to leave two recommendations here since I know I’ll get way too interested in this if I don’t leave soon.

The Gits- So, this band is one of my personal favorite bands. It was a semi-popular grunge band out of Seattle in the early 90s led by a chick named Mia Zapata. The band pretty much died after Mia’s murder, though. But, if you want a good band with a fascinating (and somewhat disturbing) history, I’d check out The Gits.

My Chemical Romance- Okay, let me start by saying, I’m talking early stuff. My Chemical Romance is most known for the stuff they started making circa 2006, when they started sorta crossing over to pop. This is not really rock, with the exception of maybe a few possible alternative songs (ex. “Party Poison). But I’m not exactly talking about the well-known, pop-punk sound we’re all familiar with. Back up to my favorite album by them I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love. This album sounds nothing like the last two albums (excluding Conventional Weapons). The only issue with this album is that it is not available on iTunes or Spotify, unless you live in Japan or Ireland, that is. You can find hard copies, as in CDs, of this album on iTunes for a fair price, or you could listen to it on YouTube. It’s totally more fun having a copy, particularly an original 2002 vinyl copy like me.

frnkiero andthe cellabration- Yes, yes, I know that the band name looks totally weird, and, yes, that is actually how it is spelled and appears. But, name aside, this is my all time favorite band. Of course, this band’s roots were someone of a cheat, as the lead singer of this band is Frank Iero, the ex-guitarist for the dearly departed My Chemical Romance. After the band’s inevitable breakup, the band members all went their separate ways and did their own music. But while Gerard Way went all alternative on us, good ol' Frankie stuck around to supply my record player with stuff similar in sound to My Chem’s first album, listed above. I have to say, the fans are great, the shows, though small, are literally flawless, and the music is great lyrically and audio-wise. And I’d never forget– Frank himself is the sweetest human alive.


Awh, look at me (left). I look like I just rose from the grave.

Yeah, so, I’ll leave this post before I list every band I’ve ever heard. Hope this help a little :)

January 17th, 2016

I of course added a third band and forgot to change the number. Oops.

January 17th, 2016