Disambiguating the artist Genius Translations

Hey everyone,

I’ve been looking into translation pages in different languages and noticed there are two different ways of attributing songs. A lot of translations, especially those which are older, are listed under Genius Translations. On the other hand, some international communities use artist pages dedicated to translation in their language. Take a look at Genius Traducciones al Español, Genius Türkçe Çeviri, and Genius English Translations, which all feature translations into their respective languages. There are two few different formats for these, you either see “Genius Country/Language Translations” or that but the word “Translations” in the relevant language.

I thought we might look into creating a standard for these artist pages. I quite like disambiguated pages for countries/languages so all songs attached to one artist page will be in the same language. It might also lead to pages without “([Language] Translation)” at the end of the song title because the language is already implied by the artist. For example:

“XXXTENTACION – changes (Traducción al Español)” by Genius Traducciones al Español


“XXXTENTACION – changes” by Genius Traducciones al Español

How do you feel about this? Is there anybody who started using a disambiguated page instead of the shared Genius Translations one and would like to share why?

CC: @genius-editorial-board

April 21st, 2019

I think disambiguation is pretty sexy and we should all do it

April 21st, 2019

Genius International Communities are growing even more. Translations Communities are being an important pillar here, just check the views.

We put “X artist – X song (X Language Translation)” so we can appear in the search results when people are looking for X translation (Genius' just in English)

April 21st, 2019 | edited April 21st, 2019

I have actually been working with MrBroezz on something related to this and trying to get the translation pages cleaned up. I just had not made a post about it.

Here is what I know from the guidelines.

  • Artist name should be Genius Translations unless there is a specific page for a language, then it should be that page.
  • Song Title: Primary Artist – Song Title (“Language Translation” written in Translated Language: My interpretation of this is not to include featured artists in song titles…

  • Leave metadata blank – Featuring, producer, writer, additional roles all should be blank.

  • Tags: I know there should be atleast 1 translation tag, it has been debated what other tags should be there, maybe @Josephu9 can elaborate.

  • Song artwork, release date, links to audio/video are okay.

There are also quite a few older translations done in an outdated way by linking original transcription in then annotating with the translation that could use updating.

I am willing to help out in any way possible to help clean up naming, create new translation community artists and help in any missing tags.

April 21st, 2019

@Josephu9 What he means is if already the artist is e. g. “Genius Traducciones al Español” then the words “traducion” and “español” etc. are already in the artist name and don’t need to be in the brackets.

I like the sense of this and we definitely should do it, but I am personally really avoiding to work a lot on Genius Translations until we finally get a technical solution. I know this will might take forever until we got enough international community power until it’s Genius HQ’s priority, but until then I will keep loving the translation system that Musixmatch provides though I hate their site and I will keep looking for translations anywhere, but not really here.

April 21st, 2019


Artist name should be Genius Translations unless there is a specific page for a language, then it should be that page.

I know the guide tells this now, but the most ironic thing is that we used to have an artist page “Genius Übersetzungen” for years with a lot of German translations to songs, but when Genius made a guide on it and standardized it (only because of the rise of Spanish music lol) we were told to keep our translations under the Genius Translations artist and we merged them and our own one is away now. Cool that we should not have had to do this. :D Just an anecdote to this that came to my mind.

April 21st, 2019

I get the idea of disambiguation, but it seems like a minor change that would take a ton of work in metadata to change. Also if yous search for a song the translation sticks out well in the song name. Maybe just me, I am fine either way.

While here, I noticed there is not a Genius Deutsche Übersetzung page, I think the correct name, would it be okay to add one since there are hundreds of translations in that language currently in Genius Translation?

April 21st, 2019

@crackar I did not know about the merge but I would be willing to help out with moving to the new page if one is wanted.

April 21st, 2019

When you search out “X song spanish transltion” on Google, you are not gonna find that song if you take out that “(Spanish Translation)”. @Crackar

But even though: what’s the problem putting “(X language Translation)”?

April 21st, 2019

Traductores aquí @genius-en-espanol

April 21st, 2019

@Daktar Thanks for the nice offer, but personally, as pointed out, I do not like the current translation system though I will gladly help to build up a new one if it’s provided. But you can ask other German users if they are willing to work on a new “Genius Übersetzungen” page.

April 21st, 2019

I also created a section on this tags page that lists the translation tags.

April 21st, 2019

If there’s enough German Translator users, why not create that “Genius Übersetzungen” again? @Crackar

April 21st, 2019

@Josephu9 Yes, you will since Google does not only use the little bit of text under the result but also the result’s title in which “traduccion al espanol” is already in (Genius ignores singular/plural afaik).
But I don’t know if it affects SEO if Google gets the keyword only in the page’s title or in the page’s title plus the first words of the website.

April 21st, 2019

@Crackar is it the layout, or is there another issue with the current system, I apologize but I am new to the area and catching up on the fly. I know one user sent me a link that showed a really nice look for translations.


April 21st, 2019


If there’s enough German Translator users, why not create that “Genius Übersetzungen” again? @Crackar

We were once told to merge it and I personally don’t have the passion to go through the whole Genius Translations artist and pick the German ones to make one metadata edit. But of course if there’s another German user who likes to do this for us, he’d be welcome. :)

April 21st, 2019