Childish Gambino - Camp (REVIEW)

So, this is a review of a NS album and I chose Childish Gambino. Why? I really don’t know.

So, I decided to change up my reviews and instead I’m going to be doing them by tracks. I’m going to number out of 10 and what I like about it/what I don’t like about. With that said, here we goooo…..

  1. Outside- 7.5/10

What I like the most about this song is the production. It’s really calming and relaxing. The hook also adds flavor to this song. What I don’t like is the lyricism in this song. I don’t feel it that much imo and there were some rhymes that fit, some that didn’t. So, production yes, lyrics no.

  1. Fire Fly- 8.5/10

What I like is the lyricism. He flows better on here and therefore has a higher grade than the previous song. What I don’t really like is the porduction. It felt like it was overdone and imo I just wasn’t feeling it, but it was better than the other song like I said.

  1. Bonfire- 5/10

What happened? It’s way off from his previous songs and lyrically off. The production was good, but the lyrics and flow made it worse. Definitely got some Wayne vibes from that (which isn’t bad as I like Wayne) but it just sounded off.

  1. All The Shine- 5.4/10

A bit better than the previous song, but the lyricism and how he flows just turns me off. Again, the porduction kinda saves it.

  1. Letter Home- 6/10

Nothing really to say here. Violins are playing in the background and he’s singing to a girl he loves and misses. Pretty self-explanatory

  1. Heartbeat- 9.5/10

The beat is flawless and his lyricism and flow has improved on this song and actually fits the beat for once on this album.

  1. Backpackers- 8/10

I really like the production and lyricism in this. The only problem is the yelling in between the verses.

  1. Les- 7/10

Again, the production is better than the lyrics.

  1. Hold Us Down 10/10

My favorite song on the album. The beat is everything and the lyrics and flow fits well with the tone of the beat and the song overall.

  1. Kids- 8.5/10 (at this point, I’m tried of typing sentences so I’ll just tell you my rating)

  2. You See Me- 6.5/10

  3. Sunrise- 7/10

  4. That Power- 7.5/10

From this album, first off, you can tell he’s really influenced by Wayne. It sounds like him at times and I feel like he wrote some of this songs lol.

Overall, I’d give this album a 6.5/10. It’s decent. Some songs I liked, some songs I din’t but it was definitely very creative. Would I listen to this album again? Maybe a couple of songs here and there? Would I buy this at a CD store or download it? Probably not. That said, I am a bit biased here as it is very new with the style to me. Let me know what you guys think. And I’ll see you guys at the next!

June 22nd, 2020 | edited June 22nd, 2020

never heard of it

June 22nd, 2020

Revival level album

June 22nd, 2020

Trash Gambino

June 22nd, 2020

He should have done the Solo sound track. It would still be trash but it could have been one of the rare moments where someone samples space jazz

June 22nd, 2020

glover sucked in solo, his music wouldn’t have helped his case

June 22nd, 2020

More garbage from a top 10 WOAT

June 22nd, 2020

You’re actually cherry picking the worst albums from 2010s to judge by. After you specifically made a thread and we recommended dozens to listen to, you’re still going by your own narrative. Troll confirmed

June 22nd, 2020

Op being a troll is pretty obvious

but i agree with Heartbeat, great song, very underrated and the true gem of this album

June 22nd, 2020 | edited June 22nd, 2020

Terrible fucking shit show of an album

June 22nd, 2020

Lol how is Bonfire your least favorite track

June 22nd, 2020

Bonfire – lyrically off

One of Gambino’s most lyrical songs, filled with punchlines and double entendres lmfao

June 22nd, 2020


Oh, no! Jay’s stan is after me lol! I don’t wanna hear your suggestions. Stop spamming me with NS stuff

June 22nd, 2020

Jay’s stan is after me lol!

I don’t listen to Jay.

I don’t wanna hear your suggestions.

Then why make this thread?

Stop spamming me with NS stuff


June 22nd, 2020


Didn’t you say you liked Jay tho? I mean it was a joke but still this forum dickrides Jay too much

June 22nd, 2020

I can’t stress this enough – I don’t care about what you or anyone else listens to but if you’re going to shit on someone who is considered Top 5 by general consensus, then prepare for backlash. Oh and some more when you backtrack a week later. Know your audience

June 22nd, 2020