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Salvie of Saturn 534


As an 18-year-old singer-songwriter, Salvatore is only just beginning in his music career. As a student, Salvatore persistently displayed excellence in writing and was seen as a force of nature in essays, personal narratives, and poems. Following high school, he has taken this writing ability to new heights. Deciding to embark on songwriting, he uses his lyrics to display important messages that can be universal to any gender, race, and sexuality. In his first single, “When You’re Silent,” he speaks upon abusive relationships and the importance of bringing these issues to light. In the chorus of the song, he says, “scream from the top of your lungs, I dare you to let them know what’s wrong.” In a time where so many people are coming forward about their experiences with abuse, Salvatore encourages those who are struggling to tell someone what’s being done to them.

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