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Mathey Lyrics

Ameyatchi Mbomi yonli wo nsê Niyan bomi yo li wo nsei Janvouai mon…
Tu m'as dit Ameyaki oh Ameyaki oh oh hoooooooow ça chuchote, ça chuchote…

Ben - Moderator

on Ameyatchi

Apologies for the error - we have updated the release year displayed above.

Fredrick muchaili

on Ameyatchi

In other translations.. the song talks about forgiveness, it's about 2 close friends of which one of them becomes distant with the other with an reasons, and the singer apologies even she knows nothing.. Ameyachi meaning forgive me friend..
This songs is touching

Fredrick muchaili

on Ameyatchi

This song is much older than you've just said.. lovely song it is♥️ found it after it went viral