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Don't Dink and Drance
The Devil Wears Prada Lyrics

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I would like to burn this down
I would like to burn this down
I would like to see it melt in yellow and observe a cloud of blackness rise
Watch it rise as it is wrath himself
Watch it rise
Crows will flee the scene as if to remind me how long it's been since I have seen a dove
Since I have seen a dove

Melt in yellow as I do
Exhaustion and mother of tribulation.
Wound by wound
I torture myself
Wound by wound, I will persevere
Whiteness, present yourself, as I know you are the sky and anchor of my being
What we've known is like cigarettes
Formaldehyde fingers

Overall Meaning

The lyrics to The Devil Wears Prada's song Don't Drink and Dance are rich with emotion and vivid imagery. The singer expresses their desire to destroy something, possibly a physical place or metaphorical system, as they repeat the phrase "I would like to burn this down." They go on to describe how they want to see it melt and observe a cloud of blackness rise, feeling like it is "wrath himself." This intense desire for destruction is contrasted with a sense of longing for peace, represented by the image of a dove that the singer hasn't seen in a long time.

The next verse is just as intense, expressing exhaustion and tribulation, as well as self-inflicted pain: "Wound by wound / I torture myself / Wound by wound, I will persevere." The themes of pain and perseverance continue in the final lines, as the singer calls for "whiteness" to reveal itself and act as an anchor. The image of "Formaldehyde fingers" suggests a sense of decay or corruption, perhaps referencing addiction or other damaging behaviors.

One potential interpretation of these lyrics is that they reflect the intense emotions and struggles of a person in the midst of addiction or other destructive behavior. The repeated refrain of "don't drink and dance" could be seen as a warning to oneself or others, highlighting the dangers of excessive partying. The desire for destruction could represent a desire to escape or numb oneself from pain, while the longing for peace and the image of the dove suggest a subconscious awareness of the need for healing and redemption.

Line by Line Meaning

I would like to burn this down
Expressing the desire to destroy something completely.

I would like to see it melt in yellow and observe a cloud of blackness rise
Visualizing the destruction of something and the ensuing aftermath.

Watch it rise as it is wrath himself
Comparing the destruction to the embodiment of wrath.

Crows will flee the scene as if to remind me how long it's been since I have seen a dove
Using birds as a symbol of peace to contrast with the destruction.

Since I have seen a dove
Reiterating the lack of peace felt.

Melt in yellow as I do
Experiencing intense emotion similar to melting.

Exhaustion and mother of tribulation
Describing exhaustion as the cause of hardship.

Wound by wound
Experiencing pain repeatedly.

I torture myself
Choosing to put oneself through pain or struggle.

Wound by wound, I will persevere
Continuing to endure hardship.

Whiteness, present yourself, as I know you are the sky and anchor of my being
Looking for stability and calmness amidst the struggle.

What we've known is like cigarettes
Comparing past experiences to an addiction.

Formaldehyde fingers
Describing the physical toll of an addiction.

Lyrics Ā© Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd.

Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind
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Comments from YouTube:


the breakdown at the end is one of the dirtiest, crunchiest things ever


A-fuckin-greeddd šŸ™




Damn this is a throwback, I remember back in high school it was all about Underoath, Chiodos, Blessthefall, and these guys.


Exactly dude. Was a hell of a time now that I look back on it


Btf bro šŸ¤Ÿ


Great times bro


Seriously, the only reason I'd want to go back is to experience this music and go to all those shows again for the first time šŸ˜‚


@@kirisutegomen12 it still is if you ask me

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I remember listening to these guys almost 10 years ago, they are still my all time favorite band.

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