token love song
M.anifest Lyrics

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Like sailin' on a sailin' ship to nowhere
Love took over my heart like an ocean breeze
As season fly I knew that I was losing
Love was washed away with the driftin tide
Oh it's a dirty old shame that all you get from love is a love song
It's gotcha layin up nights waiting for the music to start
It's such a dirty old shame when you got to take the blame for a love song
Because the best love song is writing with a broken heart
Then now the tears in my eyes are ever blindin'
The future that lies before me I cannot see
Although tomorrow I know the sun is rising
Lightin' up the world for everyone, but not for me
Oh it's a dirty old shame that all you get from love is a love song
It's gotcha layin up nights waiting for the music to start
It's such a dirty old shame when you got to take the blame for a love song
Because the best love song is writing with a broken heart
Oh it's a dirty old shame that all you get from love is a love song
It's gotcha layin up nights waiting for the music to start
It's such a dirty old shame when you got to take the blame for a love song
Because the best love song is writing with a broken heart
Oh it's a dirty old shame that all you get from love is a love song

It's gotcha layin up nights waiting for the music to start
It's such a dirty old shame when you got to take the blame for a love song

Overall Meaning

In M.anifest's "Token Love Song", the singer is expressing the pain of a broken heart. He compares himself to a ship sailing aimlessly, as he feels lost and directionless in his love life. Love had taken over his heart like an ocean breeze, but as time passed, he realized he was losing it. He describes how love can be taken away just as easily as it was given, washed away like a driftin tide. The chorus highlights the contrast between the beauty of love songs and the pain they represent when they bring up bitter memories of lost love. The singer feels trapped, waiting for the music to start, just to feel the pain of the love song again. He believes that the best love songs are written with a broken heart, because it is only through the pain of loss that we can truly understand love.

Overall, the lyrics paint a picture of a love that was intense and beautiful but not lasting. The singer is left heartbroken, unable to see a future without love. While the pain is acute, however, the singer finds a certain beauty in it, recognizing that his broken heart is the source of some of the most powerful and moving love songs.

Line by Line Meaning

Like sailin' on a sailin' ship to nowhere
Love feels directionless, like being adrift at sea without a clear destination.

Love took over my heart like an ocean breeze
Love consumed the singer's heart in a gentle, yet powerful way.

As season fly I knew that I was losing
As time passed, the singer realized that their love was slipping away.

Love was washed away with the driftin tide
Love faded away like the ebb and flow of the ocean tide.

Oh it's a dirty old shame that all you get from love is a love song
Love is often romanticised in music, but the reality is that it can leave you feeling disappointed and exposed.

It's gotcha layin up nights waiting for the music to start
Love can leave you feeling restless, waiting for something that may not even come.

Because the best love song is writing with a broken heart
Some of the best love songs come from a place of heartbreak, where the pain of lost love can inspire beautiful art.

Then now the tears in my eyes are ever blindin'
The artist is overwhelmed with emotion and cannot see clearly through their tears.

The future that lies before me I cannot see
The artist is uncertain about what the future holds, and cannot see a clear path ahead.

Although tomorrow I know the sun is rising
Despite their current sadness, the artist acknowledges that time will continue to move forward.

Lightin' up the world for everyone, but not for me
While the world may seem bright and full of hope for others, the singer is unable to see it in their own eyes.

It's gotcha layin up nights waiting for the music to start
Love can keep you up at night, waiting for something that may not even come.

Because the best love song is writing with a broken heart
Some of the best love songs come from a place of heartbreak, where the pain of lost love can inspire beautiful art.

Oh it's a dirty old shame that all you get from love is a love song
Love is often romanticised in music, but the reality is that it can leave you feeling disappointed and exposed.

It's such a dirty old shame when you got to take the blame for a love song
When a relationship fails, one person is often unfairly blamed for the end of the relationship.


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I am a money magnet.
I am worthy.
I am grateful.
I am thankful.
I am generous.
I am open to recieving.
I am allowing.
I am focused.
I am driven.
I am healthy, wealthy & wise.
I am forgiving.
I am creating.
I am love.


I am a money magnet
I am worthy
I am greatful
I am able two help my family my kids
I am thankful
I am generous
I am open two reserving
I am allowing unlimited abusdance and wealth from all corners of the universe
It flows two me like a river
I am focused
I am driven
I am healthy wealthy and wise
I am forgiving
I am creating
I am in my dream house and life
I am allowing the universe two bless me now I am ready now
I love the universe ❤️
I am love🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏😍😍😍😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💞💞💞🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

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Whoever is listening to this: May you get all your wishes come true!
Be wealthier and happier in life! Stay Blessed! ❤️


Assim seja gratidão. Que você também seja abençoado por deus


Amen u too


Amen. I claim it. Thank you. 😊


Amen...! Thank you... I claim it


I claime it amen..🙏🙏🙏pls.hear my prayers ..

10 More Replies...


I played this exactly 8 in the morning everyday and all positive things happen to me and my family everyday.


I like to play it in my car when I'm working.


That's brilliant :) I'm so pleased for you. This video really does work doesn't it, and fast too, if you keep an open mind. I love the tinkling sounds of the coins. Hope it helps millions of people as it's horrible to not have plenty of abundance x


That’s so amazing 😊

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