Massive Attack Lyrics

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(Vowles, Del naja, Marshall, Hinds, Hilliard, Garson)
Horace Andy
Yeah yeah yeah ah
You see a man's face
But you don't see his heart
You see a man's face
But you will never know his thoughts
Everywhere you go
There's a man to say love
Never neither never neither
Take it to heart
For your heart is your heart
And your thoughts is your thoughts
Never mix love with hatred
You see a man's face
You will never see his heart
You see a man's face
But you will never know his thoughts
You see a man's face

You will never know his thoughts
You see a man's face

Overall Meaning

The lyrics of "Exchange" by Massive Attack are about the difficulty in truly understanding another person. The first verse speaks to the idea that we can see someone's physical appearance, but that doesn't give us access to their innermost thoughts and feelings. The repetition of this line serves to reinforce the notion that we may never truly know what's going on in someone's head. The second verse addresses the idea that love and hatred should never be mixed, suggesting that if we don't truly know someone's thoughts and feelings, we shouldn't make assumptions about what they're capable of.

The chorus of the song brings the ideas of the verses together, emphasizing the message that we can see someone's face, but we can never truly know their heart or their thoughts. This repetition underscores the ongoing struggle to connect with others on a deeper level. Horace Andy's vocals add a haunting quality to the song, underscoring the sense of isolation and disconnection that is being conveyed.

Overall, "Exchange" is a poignant exploration of the human need for connection and the barriers we often face in trying to achieve it. The repetition of the chorus underscores the sense of frustration and longing that can come with failing to truly understand or connect with another person.

Line by Line Meaning

Horace Andy
The singer of this song

Yeah yeah yeah ah
An expression of agreement or encouragement

You see a man's face
Looking at someone's facial expression gives limited insight into their true nature

But you don't see his heart
What a person appears to be on the surface may not reflect their true emotions or intentions

But you will never know his thoughts
Even if you get to know someone, you can never truly know what they are thinking

Everywhere you go
No matter where you are in the world

There's a man to say love
People everywhere express love in different ways

Never neither never neither
An expression meaning 'never mind'

Take it to heart
Internalize it, give it serious consideration

For your heart is your heart
Your emotions belong to you alone

And your thoughts is your thoughts
No one else can access or control your thoughts

Never mix love with hatred
It's important to separate positive and negative emotions

You will never know his thoughts
Reiterating that true thoughts and emotions are often hidden

You see a man's face
Reiterating the fact that a person's appearance may not reveal their true nature

Contributed by Alice S. Suggest a correction in the comments below.
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Most interesting comments from YouTube:


Some people are saying that this is about running away from/facing your fears.
I think it's actually about running away from yourself entirely.
Your true, full self.
When he turns around and recognizes what's happening,
the crowd mirrors him.
The crowd is him.
All of the things in his head.
His fears, talents, ambitions, faults, desires.
When he accepts them
All of them
He turns back to face the world
Fronted by an army.


You are my angel
Come from way above
To bring me love (To bring me love)
Her eyes
She's on the dark side
Every man in sight
Love you, love you, love you
Love you, love you, love you
Love you, love you, love you...
You are my angel
Come from way above
Love you, love you, love you
Love you, love you, love you
Love you, love you, love you...

All comments from YouTube:


It's really difficult to grasp the fact that this song and album are 24 years old and STILL sound fresher and better than a lot of the music created today. I miss this era!!!


A lot of stuff from the late sixties and early seventies sounds fresher and better than a lot of music created today, but I get your point and I agree.


@@AdelaeR I agree but I was refering to this genre and era.


becuse it was aimed at white people




Leadbelly sounds fresher and better than most of the music created today.

84 More Replies...


every time i buy new headphones, i test it on this song!!


If you buy a headphones and Angel doesn't give you chills down your spine, you got to get your money back.


This is my speaker/headphone test song as well!



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