Tu M'As Dit
Mathey Lyrics

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Ameyaki oh Ameyaki oh oh hoooooooow
ça chuchote, ça chuchote...

Ameyaki oh Ameyaki oh oh hoooooooow
ça chuchote, ça chuchote...

Ameyaki oh Ameyaki oh oh hoooooooow
ça chuchote, ça chuchote...

Ameyaki oh Ameyaki oh oh hoooooooow
ça chuchote, ça chuchote...

Ameyaki oh Ameyaki oh oh hoooooooow
ça chuchote, ça chuchote...

Overall Meaning

The lyrics to Mathey's song "Tu m'as dit" are simple and repetitive, with the main focus being on the repetition of the phrase "Ameyaki oh Ameyaki oh." The phrase is repeated several times throughout the song, with the accompanying lyrics consisting of the phrase "ça chuchote," which means "it whispers."

The meaning behind the lyrics is not entirely clear, as there are no specific references or storytelling elements present in the song. However, the repetition of the phrase "Ameyaki oh" and the soothing and calming nature of the song could be interpreted as a lullaby or a chant meant to ease someone's worries or concerns.

The overall tone of the song is peaceful and calming, with the repetitive nature of the lyrics and melody providing a sense of relaxation and serenity. Despite the simplicity of the lyrics, the song manages to evoke emotions and create a certain atmosphere, making it a unique addition to Mathey's repertoire.

Line by Line Meaning

Ameyaki oh Ameyaki oh oh hoooooooow
This line is a repetition of the phrase 'Ameyaki oh' and 'oh hoooooooow'. It does not have a specific meaning but is used as a chant or exclamation to add emphasis or emotion to the song.

ça chuchote, ça chuchote...
Translated to English, this line means 'it whispers, it whispers'. The repetition of this phrase along with the previous line adds to the mysterious and suspenseful mood of the song.

Tu m'as dit de te suivre
This line translates to 'You told me to follow you'. It suggests that the singer is being led by someone or something, possibly in a romantic or spiritual context.

Et je te suis aveuglément
Translated to English, this line means 'And I follow you blindly'. The use of the word 'aveuglément' emphasizes the strong devotion and trust that the artist has for the person they are following.

Tu m'as montré tes prairies
This line translates to 'You showed me your meadows'. The use of natural imagery suggests that the place the artist is being led to is beautiful and peaceful.

Et je m'y suis allongé
Translated to English, this line means 'And I lay down there'. The singer is surrendering themselves to the beauty of the place and the guidance of the person they are following.

Tu m'as pris par la main
This line translates to 'You took me by the hand'. The use of physical touch suggests that the relationship between the singer and the person they are following is intimate and caring.

Et j'ai suivi tes doigts
Translated to English, this line means 'And I followed your fingers'. The artist is willing to submit themselves to the leadership and guidance of the person they are following.

Tu m'as montré des merveilles
This line translates to 'You showed me wonders'. The use of the word 'merveilles' suggests that the place or experience the artist is being led to is magical and amazing.

Que personne n'a jamais vu
Translated to English, this line means 'That nobody has ever seen'. The artist is being taken to a place or experience that is unique and extraordinary.

Et j'ai vu l'univers dans tes yeux
This line translates to 'And I saw the universe in your eyes'. The singer is experiencing a profound and transformative moment with the person they are following.

Tu m'as dit que tu m'aimais
Translated to English, this line means 'You told me that you loved me'. The use of the word 'aimais' suggests that the relationship between the artist and the person they are following is romantic or loving.

Tout en caressant mes cheveux
This line translates to 'While caressing my hair'. The use of physical touch further emphasizes the intimacy and affection between the singer and the person they are following.

Tu m'as donné ta confiance
Translated to English, this line means 'You gave me your trust'. The singer is being entrusted with something valuable by the person they are following, further underscoring the importance of their relationship.

Et j'ai compris qu'il ne fallait plus que j'en doute
This line translates to 'And I understood that I should no longer doubt it'. The singer has reached a moment of clarity and understanding with the person they are following, and feels secure in their trust and love.

Ameyaki oh Ameyaki oh oh hoooooooow
This line repeats the earlier chant or exclamation, adding to the emotional energy of the song.

ça chuchote, ça chuchote...
This line repeats the earlier phrase, adding to the mystery and suspense of the song.

Contributed by Amelia W. Suggest a correction in the comments below.
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Comments from YouTube:


Как приятно видеть не "отравленных" Западом исполнителей.😍


Je reconnais la voix de Rico Amaj dans ce son.
Très belle chanson.
Mathey tjrs mélodieuse.


bravo mathey.. toujours une si belle voix.. puisse Dieu te garder


Depuis toute petite j'ai pris du plaisir à t'écouter jusqu'à ce jour telment tu chantes bien. je t'aime


je ne sais pas pourquoi mais depuis tout petit j ai toujours aimé écouté cette voie.


Félicitations !!! 👏👏👏👏👏, très belle chanson, j'adore. ❤️


Ivoirian Music is back ! Bravo l'artiste !


super, comme d habitude avec cette voix qui peut tuer....! bravo Mathey




La voix d'or💞

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