Winter in Hell
Absenth Lyrics

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Alone in the ice prison
I’m stick together your heart from slices of a snow
Cold needles are piercing fingers
Again & again they are creeping in veins.

Winter in your heart
Will never end (will never!).
Choice for me!
And your heart is my inprisonment cell

Spirits of my friends
Who have frozen in the fiery sea
Are looking at me by their eyes
Which congealed in torment…

I see your face
Through a frosty pattern on glass

And the wind speaks with me
In thousands voices from the past.

Overall Meaning

The opening lines of "Winter in Hell" by Absenth paint a desolate and isolating picture as the singer describes being alone in an "ice prison." The imagery of piecing together a heart from slices of snow suggests a fragile and artificial construct meant to replace the real, warm heart that has been lost or taken away. The cold needles piercing fingers evoke a sense of pain and numbness, possibly symbolizing the emotional numbness that comes with heartbreak or loss. The repeated intrusion of these needles creeping into the veins conveys a sense of violation and helplessness, as if the singer is unable to escape from the grip of winter in their heart.

The repeated assertion that "Winter in your heart will never end" emphasizes a sense of perpetual coldness and darkness that seems inescapable. The use of exclamation points adds to the intensity and finality of this declaration, suggesting a deep despair and resignation to their fate. The juxtaposition of this relentless winter with the notion of choice introduces a conflicting sense of agency and powerlessness – is this eternal winter a result of personal choices, or is it an inevitable consequence beyond their control? The description of the heart as an imprisonment cell further reinforces the idea that the singer feels trapped and confined within their own emotions, unable to break free from the icy grip of winter.

The mention of spirits of friends who have "frozen in the fiery sea" evokes a sense of contradiction and paradox – how can something be frozen in fire? This imagery conveys a profound sense of loss and tragedy, as the singer is haunted by the memories of those who have suffered and perished in a seemingly impossible and cruel way. The eyes of these frozen spirits staring at the singer suggest a silent accusation or judgment, as if their pain and torment are now reflected in the singer's own suffering. The use of congealed eyes serves as a chilling visual metaphor for the lasting impact of trauma and grief on the soul.

The final stanzas of the song introduce a moment of clarity and connection amidst the desolation and despair. The image of seeing your face through a frosty pattern on glass suggests a distant and distorted reflection, hinting at a sense of longing and nostalgia for a lost connection. The wind speaking with the singer in "thousands voices from the past" evokes a haunting and ephemeral quality, as if the echoes of memories and experiences are carried on the breeze, whispering secrets and truths long buried. This moment of communion with the past through nature's elements offers a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness, suggesting that even in the depths of winter in hell, there can be moments of beauty and revelation.

Line by Line Meaning

Alone in the ice prison
Feeling isolated and trapped in a cold, lonely place.

I’m stick together your heart from slices of a snow
Trying to piece together your heart from the fragments left behind in the snow.

Cold needles are piercing fingers
Experiencing a sharp, icy pain in my fingertips.

Again & again they are creeping in veins
Continuously feeling the cold seeping into my veins.

Winter in your heart
Feeling the coldness and desolation within your heart.

Will never end (will never!)
The eternal nature of the winter within your heart.

Choice for me!
Feeling trapped with no way out.

And your heart is my inprisonment cell
Being held captive by the icy coldness of your heart.

The enduring nature of the imprisonment within your heart.

Spirits of my friends
The memories of my friends who have been lost.

Who have frozen in the fiery sea
Their spirits frozen in a place of intense pain and suffering.

Are looking at me by their eyes
Their presence still lingers, watching over me.

Which congealed in torment…
Their eyes frozen in a state of anguish and torment.

I see your face
Remembering your face, etched in my memory.

Through a frosty pattern on glass
Seeing a distorted reflection of your face through a frosty window.

And the wind speaks with me
Feeling the presence of the past in the whispers of the wind.

In thousands voices from the past.
Hearing echoes of the past through the many voices carried by the wind.

Written by: Absenth

Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind
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