Letters Never Sent II
Arthur Nery Lyrics

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I still miss you despite the distance and decision
Fears of growing old feeling misguided by my own wisdom
I'm corny, you know I've always been
As always as the glow on your skin
Or the flow of the wind as it dances
Between every follicle of hair that God put in
What a paint brush he must have
What a masterpiece you are
You constellation formation of past stars I'm appalled
You used to wonder why I stare
I met you too early
I'm good at procrastination

It's almost 3:30 already
It's been all this time and I'm still not ready

Overall Meaning

Arthur Nery's song "Letters Never Sent II" is a poignant expression of love and loss, regret and longing. The lyrics are infused with a sense of wistfulness and melancholy, as the singer laments the distance and decision that have separated him from his beloved, and reflects on the passing of time and the loss of precious moments that can never be regained.

The opening lines of the song set the tone for what follows, with the singer acknowledging that despite the distance and the choices that have led them down different paths, he still misses the person he loves. This sense of longing is compounded by a fear of growing old, a recognition that time is slipping away and that the wisdom he has gained may not be enough to help him find his way back to the person he once loved.

The following lines are both tender and poetic, as the singer describes the glow of his beloved's skin, the flow of the wind, and the way it dances through every strand of her hair. He marvels at the beauty of her physical form, comparing her to a masterpiece painted by God, and alluding to the idea that she is a constellation of past stars, a gathering of all the loves that have come before her. In the final lines of the song, the singer acknowledges his own procrastination and lack of readiness, wondering if it is too late to reclaim what has been lost, and if he will ever find the courage to try.

Line by Line Meaning

I still miss you despite the distance and decision
Though you are distant and we are not together, I still feel the pain of our separation and I miss you dearly.

Fears of growing old feeling misguided by my own wisdom
I fear aging and the wisdom that comes with it, because it may lead me to make choices that will keep us apart.

I'm corny, you know I've always been
I'm cheesy and sentimental, and that hasn't changed since the first time we met.

As always as the glow on your skin
Your beauty is as bright and constant as the radiance of your skin.

Or the flow of the wind as it dances
Your beauty is as timeless and captivating as the movements of the wind.

Between every follicle of hair that God put in
Every strand of hair on your head, crafted by the divine creator, is a testament to your beauty.

What a paint brush he must have
God is such a skilled artist to have created someone as beautiful as you.

What a masterpiece you are
You are a true work of art, a masterpiece of God's creation.

You constellation formation of past stars I'm appalled
Your beauty is like a constellation made up of stars from the past, and I'm awe-struck by it.

You used to wonder why I stare
In the past, you may have been confused about why I would stare at you, but I was just enamored with your beauty.

I met you too early
I wish I had met you later in life, when I had the wisdom to appreciate and pursue our connection.

I'm good at procrastination
I tend to put things off, including working towards a future with you.

It's almost 3:30 already
Time is passing quickly and I fear that I may run out of opportunities to make things right with you.

It's been all this time and I'm still not ready
Despite the time that has passed, I still don't feel ready to take the necessary steps to be with you.

Writer(s): Miko Marbella

Contributed by Madison S. Suggest a correction in the comments below.
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