Man or a Mouse?
B.A. Robertson Lyrics

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Am I a man or am I a mouse?
I'm a man I'm sorry to say
That's what makes me weak
That’s what makes me doubt what I speak
Makes me doubt who I am
Am I a man?

The mouse beats me with ease
At being just what he is
Though tiny and meek
He does not doubt what he squeaks
He doesn't doubt what he is
He is a mouse

And he's far more a mouse than I am a man

So, to all you manly men I say
You may ham it up all you can
But you'll never be as much of a man
As a mouse is a mouse

No, you'll never be as much of a man
As a mouse is a mouse

Overall Meaning

In B.A. Robertson's song "Man or a Mouse," the artist reflects on his own identity and masculinity, questioning whether he is truly a man or a more inferior creature, a mouse. He admits that being a man sometimes makes him weak and doubtful of himself, indicating that society's ideas of what a man should be can be limiting and harmful. In contrast, the mouse, although small and meek, is confident in its own identity and purpose. The artist concludes that the mouse is more of a mouse than he is a man, suggesting that perhaps we should look to nature and simplicity for true strength and self-assurance.

Line by Line Meaning

Am I a man or am I a mouse?
Uncertainty surrounds my identity, whether I possess the qualities of a human or a timid rodent

I'm a man I'm sorry to say
Unfortunately, I lack the simplicity and confidence of a mouse, and am instead categorized as a human male

That's what makes me weak
The burden of complex thought and emotions renders me feeble in comparison to the mouse's simple existence

That’s what makes me doubt what I speak
My internal conflict regarding my identity oftentimes results in me questioning the validity of my words and actions

Makes me doubt who I am
The paradoxical nature of my existence causes me to frequently question my true identity

Am I a man?
This question lingers with me, as I am constantly comparing myself to the mouse and questioning my place in the world

The mouse beats me with ease
In terms of living their respective existences, the mouse is far superior to me and my struggles as a human

At being just what he is
The mouse is able to flawlessly live up to its identity as a small and meek creature

Though tiny and meek
Despite its small stature, the mouse is strong in its simplicity and unyielding in its nature

He does not doubt what he squeaks
The mouse is always confident in its actions and vocalizations, never questioning its purpose or abilities

He doesn't doubt what he is
The mouse never wavers in its identity and never questions its place in the world

He is a mouse
The mouse's identity is simple, yet unshakable, always remaining unwavering in its existence

And he's far more a mouse than I am a man
The mouse's identity and simple existence is far more pronounced than my own place in the world as a human, making it superior in comparison

So, to all you manly men I say
To those who are confident in their masculinity and identity as men, listen closely

You may ham it up all you can
Although you may try your hardest to act manly and exude confidence, it will never be enough

But you'll never be as much of a man
The mouse's confidence in its identity makes it a superior 'man' compared to those who struggle with their own identity

As a mouse is a mouse
The mouse's unwavering identity is a standard that humans can never hope to attain


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Comments from YouTube:


Had the pleasure of having B.A. as a guest on "Nightside" on American Forces Radio far too many years ago to recall.
His album, Initial Success, was, and remains, brilliant and he was a delightful conversation partner.


Can't believe nobody has commented on this.  Thanks ever so much for uploading this to Youtube.   This album was a favourite of mine a few years ago and this was probably one of my favourite songs on there.

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