Megali Stigmi
Bessy Argyraki Lyrics

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Μεγάλη στιγμή
Τώρα είναι η πιο μεγάλη στιγμή
Είμαστε και πάλι μαζί
Πλάι εγώ κι εσύ

Η πρώτη βραδιά
Που σ' αγγίζω πάλι η πρώτη βραδιά
Τησ καρδιάσ μου είσαι καρδιά
Φίλα με ξανά

Είσαι δικόσ μου ξανά
Και το νιώθω σαν και πρώτα
Μέσα στισ φλέβεσ μασ
Η αγάπη καυτή κυλά

Κράτα με τώρα σφιχτά
Στου ονείρου μασ την πόρτα
Έχουν τα χείλη μασ την ανάγκη
Να πουν πολλά

Χιλιάδεσ στιγμέσ
Μασ χρειάζονται χιλιάδεσ στιγμέσ
Να γεμίσουν ώρεσ κενέσ
Που χαθήκαν χθεσ

Είσαι δικόσ μου ξανά
Και το νιώθω σαν και πρώτα

Μέσα στισ φλέβεσ μασ
Η αγάπη καυτή κυλά

Overall Meaning

Megali Stigmi is a romantic love song by Greek singer Bessy Argyraki. The lyrics describe the moment when the singer is reunited with her lover, and how important this moment is to her. She emphasizes the intensity of their love and the need for physical and emotional connection, as she asks her lover to hold her tightly and kiss her again.

The song begins with the line "now is the greatest moment", highlighting the significance of their reunion. The singer acknowledges that they have been apart and that their love has faced challenges in the past, but now they are together again. She describes him as her heart and asks him to kiss her again, emphasizing the physical closeness they share.

The chorus repeats the phrase "you are mine again" and emphasizes the strength of their love, saying that they feel it just as intensely as they did in the beginning, and that it runs hot through their veins. The song ends with the singer asking her lover to hold her tightly and fill the empty hours with their love, emphasizing the importance of their physical and emotional connection.

Overall, the song is a celebration of the intensity of love and physical connection, and the power that these things have to overcome distance and time.

Line by Line Meaning

Μεγάλη στιγμή
This is a great moment

Τώρα είναι η πιο μεγάλη στιγμή
Now is the greatest moment

Είμαστε και πάλι μαζί
We are together again

Πλάι εγώ κι εσύ
Next to me and you

Η πρώτη βραδιά
The first night

Που σ' αγγίζω πάλι η πρώτη βραδιά
The first night that I touch you again

Τησ καρδιάσ μου είσαι καρδιά
You are heart of my heart

Φίλα με ξανά
Kiss me again

Είσαι δικόσ μου ξανά
You are mine again

Και το νιώθω σαν και πρώτα
And I feel it like it's the first time

Μέσα στισ φλέβεσ μασ
Inside our veins

Η αγάπη καυτή κυλά
The hot love flows

Κράτα με τώρα σφιχτά
Hold me tightly now

Στου ονείρου μασ την πόρτα
At the door of our dream

Έχουν τα χείλη μασ την ανάγκη
Our lips need to say a lot

Να πουν πολλά
To say many things

Χιλιάδεσ στιγμέσ
Thousands of moments

Μασ χρειάζονται χιλιάδεσ στιγμέσ
We need thousands of moments

Να γεμίσουν ώρεσ κενέσ
To fill empty hours

Που χαθήκαν χθεσ
That were lost yesterday


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