Coldplay Lyrics

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We fell in through the clouds
And everyone before us is there welcoming us now
It's the end of death and doubt
And loneliness is out

The place we dreamed about
The melodies inside yourself
And love come pouring out
And everyone's allowed
We're feathered by the crowd

And up there in the heavens
Galileo and those pining for the moon
Know it's a slow burn
Through Pioneer and Helix
Oumamama, Heliopause, and Neptune
We're a slow burning tune
But we'll get there

So for now
In this crazy world, I do
I just want you

In the end, it's all about
The love you're sending out

And up there in the heavens
The explorers who've all gathered by balloon
Saw the world turn
Through Voyager, Callisto, Calliope
Betelgeuse, the neon moons
We're a slow burning tune
But we'll touch down soon

So will you
And in this crazy world, I do
I just want you

And up there in the heavens
Galileo saw reflections of us too
Pluribus unum, unus mundus
And all the satellites imbue
The purple, yellow, green, red, orange and the blue
Oh, it's a crazy world, it's true
Sing it out

Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

And in this crazy world, I do
I just want
In this crazy world, it's true
I just want you

Poets prophesy up in the blue
Together, that's how we'll make it through

Overall Meaning

The lyrics of "Coloratura" by Coldplay speak of a transcendent experience where the singer and their loved one leave their lives behind and ascend into the clouds. They find themselves greeted by those who have gone before them, indicating that they have either died or left their former lives behind. The lyrics describe a place without death and doubt, a place where love and music abound. The verses seem to reference space travel and exploration, with mentions of Galileo and various planets and moons.

The chorus contains the refrain "In this crazy world, I do / I just want you," which implies that the singer is experiencing some kind of turmoil in their daily life, but finds solace in being with their loved one. The final verse includes the line "Poets prophesy up in the blue / Together, that's how we'll make it through," suggesting that the singer and their loved one have found a higher purpose or understanding that will guide them through whatever challenges they face on Earth.

Overall, the lyrics of "Coloratura" seem to be about transcendence, love, and the power of music to transport us to other realms. The references to space travel and exploration add a sense of adventure and wonder to the song.

Line by Line Meaning

We fell in through the clouds
We stumbled into something new and unexpected, like falling through clouds.

And everyone before us is there welcoming us now
Everyone who has gone before us is here to welcome us with open arms.

It's the end of death and doubt
We've reached a place where death and doubt no longer exist.

And loneliness is out
Loneliness has been eliminated.

The place we dreamed about
This is the place we always dreamed of.

The melodies inside yourself
The beautiful tunes that live inside you.

And love come pouring out
Love flows endlessly from within us.

And everyone's allowed
Everyone is given permission to be themselves.

We're feathered by the crowd
The surrounding crowd uplifts us and supports us.

Galileo and those pining for the moon
Galileo and those who yearned to reach the moon.

Know it's a slow burn
Understand that progress is slow and steady.

Through Pioneer and Helix
Through the Pioneer and Helix missions.

Oumamama, Heliopause, and Neptune
Passing by Oumamama, Heliopause, and Neptune.

We're a slow burning tune
We are a song that takes time to build and grow.

But we'll get there
Despite the slow pace, we will surely get there eventually.

In this crazy world, I do
Despite all its craziness, all I want is you.

The love you're sending out
Everything boils down to the love we share and spread.

The explorers who've all gathered by balloon
The adventurous ones who assemble via hot air balloon.

Saw the world turn
As witnessed the world revolve and change.

Through Voyager, Callisto, Calliope
Traversing across Voyager, Callisto, and Calliope.

Betelgeuse, the neon moons
As well as Betelgeuse and the neon-colored moons.

But we'll touch down soon
We'll return to Earth soon enough.

And in this crazy world, I do
Despite all its madness, I want you to know that I love you.

Galileo saw reflections of us too
Galileo also saw his reflection in us.

Pluribus unum, unus mundus
Out of many, one world.

And all the satellites imbue
All the satellites give their own touch.

The purple, yellow, green, red, orange and the blue
In every color that exists, from purple to blue.

It's a crazy world, it's true
It's an undeniable and confusing world.

Sing it out
Let us all sing out together.

Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh.

Together, that's how we'll make it through
Only together can we overcome anything.

And in this crazy world, I do
Despite all its craziness, all I want is you.

I just want
All I want is

In this crazy world, it's true
It's so incredibly true that the world can be insane.

Poets prophesy up in the blue
Poets have always predicted things from the vast sky.

Lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group, Peermusic Publishing
Written by: Christopher Anthony John Martin, Davide Rossi, Guy Rupert Berryman, John Metcalfe, Jonathan Buckland, Max Martin, Paris Strother, William Champion

Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind
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Comments from YouTube:


This is not a song. It's an experience.


This is why I love bands like Coldplay, Pink Floyd, and Nightwish (them being my favorite band of all time). Their music are works of art and they are the masters of storytelling through music.




Coldplay sucks, my music better


@@Lauren_210I personally disagree with putting Coldplay’s in the same bracket as Pink Floyd even though I like Coldplay music It’s a bit of a stretch to say most of their songs are works of art but I guess everyone musical taste is different.


@@jackbauer5455 basically many people have multiple types of bands as their favourites.

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2016: Hymn for the weekend

2021: Hymn for the Universe
That's what it is.


Hymn For Eternity 😉❤️


@@h3wmwmusic6 🌞🌞⭐


And after that comes Hymn for the Multiverses

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