Caribbean Blue
Enya Lyrics

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Afer Ventus

So the world goes round and round
With all you ever knew
They say the sky high above
Is Caribbean blue
If every man says all he can
If every man is true
Do I believe the sky above
Is Caribbean blue


If all you told was turned to gold
If all you dreamed was new

Imagine sky high above
In Caribbean blue

Overall Meaning

The lyrics of Enya's song 'Caribbean Blue' are beguiling and enigmatic. The verse alludes to the turning of the world, the permanence of what one has learned and the beauty of the sky above. The chorus, repeated three times throughout the song, poses a philosophical question about belief, truth, and credibility. The first verse mentions two names, Eurus and Afer Ventus, which are Latin for the east and the southwest winds respectively, while the second verse lists two other winds, Boreas and Zephryus, referring to the north and west winds.

This song portrays Enya's mastery of storytelling, luring the listener into a world of whimsy and imagination. The lyrics leave much to interpretation, but the theme of the song seems to be the wonder and beauty of the natural world. Her music often draws from Irish and Celtic folklore, and 'Caribbean Blue' is a prime example of her ability to craft enchanting, evocative music.

Line by Line Meaning

The gentle east wind, representing the start of a new day.

Afer Ventus
A wild west wind, representing the hot sun and dry weather.

So the world goes round and round
The world keeps moving, and everything happens again and again.

With all you ever knew
Everything that you already know.

They say the sky high above
It is said that the sky above.

Is Caribbean blue
Is a bright, clear blue color.

If every man says all he can
If everyone speaks honestly.

If every man is true
If everyone is honest.

Do I believe the sky above
Is it possible for me to believe that the sky above.

Is Caribbean blue
Is a bright, clear blue color.

A strong north wind, representing winter.

A soft west wind, representing spring.

If all you told was turned to gold
If everything you said became valuable.

If all you dreamed was new
If all of your dreams were creative and original.

Imagine sky high above
Imagine the sky above.

In Caribbean blue
In a bright, clear blue color.

Lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC

Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind
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Most interesting comment from YouTube:


Nesquik Guy: This is a poem that I wrote while listening to Enya's "Orinoco Flow":


I lifted my hand
 A dove landed on it
And I asked it
“Where have you been?
Have you been east to the sunrise?
Have you been west to the sunset?
Have you been up into the sky
Where it's noon and midnight?”

The dove looked at me,
Then out to sea
And said, “I have seen
A world of wonder
That you've only dreamed of.
I have seen the fountains of the sun
And the frozen glaciers of the moon.
If only you had wings
So that you could go where I go.”

I sadly shook my head
And sat down on a rock,
Watching the waves flow onto the beach
Only to stop inches from me,
And then slip back into the sea,
An endless pattern like eternity.

“I have no wings,” I said.
“I only have my imagination.”
And the dove said, “Silly human.
Did you think that I meant wings
Like mine, covered with feathers?”

“Didn't you?” I asked. 

“Of course not,” the dove said.
“Now imagine your arms are wings.”
I did and they were.
“Now imagine that you're lifting them,”
The dove said. “Now sweep down
And jump into the sky.”
I did and I was suddenly
Rising above where I'd sat.

“Now come with me,” the dove said.
“There are thousands of places
That I have been to, places
That I want to show you.”
I did and we did. 

“Is this what heaven is like?” I asked.

"Where did you think we were?” the dove asked.

"But what about my body?” I asked.

“You won't need it anymore,” the dove said.

And I didn't.

(written 5-14-2020)

All comments from YouTube:


Anynone 2024!❤




Yup ❤ amazing masterpiece




Here 😊



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I’m listening to Enya Caribbean Blue late January 2024






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