Weight of the World
Fleesh Lyrics

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Like the drops in the ocean
Like an anchor in the water

Spiraling down
Like the leaves hit the ground
Oh, damn, gravity
Always bringing me down

Down on a free fall
Feels like the weight of the world is on my shoulders
Down on a free fall
Feel like the weight of the world

Until this night is over
Time goes by
Wonder when the sun will rise

Carrying around
All that's bringing me down
I'm wondering
Will you catch me if I fall?

Feels like the weight of the world
Lies here on my shoulders
I am the weight of the world

Don't look at me
I'm over
I've nothing left inside
Don't look at me
'Cuz I'm colder
Just go and shut the door

Tell me the truth
how much more you think I can go through for you?
I feel like the weight of the world for you

Drifting like the drops in the ocean

Overall Meaning

The song "Weight of the World" by Fleesh seems to reflect the feeling of overwhelm and burden that a person may feel when dealing with difficult circumstances. The opening lines describe the feeling of losing control and sinking, like an anchor in the water. The use of water and the ocean in the opening lines can be understood as a metaphor for the uncontrollable and unpredictable nature of life's challenges. The lyrics describe the sensation of spiraling down and the force of gravity always bringing the persona down; they feel like they are on a free fall.

The chorus of the song emphasizes the feeling of being weighed down and overwhelmed by the problems of the world. The persona wonders when the night will be over and the sun will rise. They are carrying around all the problems that are weighing them down and they wonder if someone will be there to catch them if they fall. The persona is feeling the weight of the world on their shoulders.

The closing lines of the song carry a sense of hopelessness and give the impression that the persona is giving up. They feel like they have nothing left inside and are asking to be left alone. The final line of the song suggests that the persona is enduring their struggles for someone else, as if they are carrying the weight of the world for another person.

Line by Line Meaning

Feeling aimless and lost

Like the drops in the ocean
Like a small, insignificant part of something much larger

Feeling overwhelmed and helpless

Like an anchor in the water
Unable to move or make progress

Spiraling down
Descending into a negative cycle

Like the leaves hit the ground
Falling helplessly and without control

Oh, damn, gravity
The force of life's challenges constantly bringing one down

Always bringing me down
Life's challenges and struggles are constant and difficult to escape

Down on a free fall
In a state of free fall with no control or direction

Feels like the weight of the world is on my shoulders
Overwhelmed with the burden of life's challenges

Enduring a difficult situation with patience

Until this night is over
Until this difficult situation comes to an end

Time goes by
Enduring through a difficult situation can feel like an eternity

Wonder when the sun will rise
Wondering when things will get better and the situation will improve

Carrying around
Holding on to the weight of past struggles

All that's bringing me down
Past struggles continue to impact current feelings and emotions

I'm wondering
Contemplating possible outcomes and seeking reassurance

Will you catch me if I fall?
In need of support and reassurance

Feels like the weight of the world
Overwhelming feeling of responsibility and hardship

Lies here on my shoulders
The burden of life's struggles rests on one's individual responsibility

I am the weight of the world
Overcoming life's struggles and finding strength within oneself

Don't look at me
Avoiding attention or scrutiny

I'm over
Feeling exhausted and spent

I've nothing left inside
Feeling emotionally and mentally depleted

Cuz I'm colder
Distance or detachment from others due to past hurt

Just go and shut the door
Pushing others away to protect oneself

Tell me the truth
Seeking honesty and clarity

How much more you think I can go through for you?
Feeling overwhelmed and questioning the purpose of enduring struggles for the benefit of others

I feel like the weight of the world for you
Sacrificing one's own well-being for the sake of others

Written by: Gabby Vessoni, Celo Oliveira

Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind
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Most interesting comment from YouTube:


J'ai plus de 50 ans,et lorsque j'ai découvert fleesh par hasard ,j'ai été très surpris .
Notamment par les reprises de RUSH puis ensuite MARILLION (mon groupe préféré).
Toutes les reprises que vous interprétait ,son des groupes que j’écoute depuis + de 40 ans et encore aujourd'hui.
Je me répète ,mais la voix de fleesh est exceptionnelle et ses interprétations a coupe le souffle.
Les musiciens sont eux aussi parfait .Le duo dans I WILL REMENBER de TOTO hallucinant.
Je ne parle pas du solo de guitare dans SUGAR MICE ,on dirait STEVE ROTHERY.
Je n'ai qu'un mot ,vous êtes des très bons.
Comment achetez vos albums pour mieux vous connaitre ? de quel nationalité etes vous?
Vous faites partis maintenant des morceaux que j’écoute en boucle.
Très très heureux de vous avoir découvert sur internet

All comments from YouTube:


Id love for Fleesh to come to the USA 😊👍😍I just love gabby's voice ...she was born with a wonderful voice


Love the black and white. All the Colours are in my head.


...atmosphere and progressive rock...two in one!...thank you, guys!


Thank you very much my friend!!!!❤❤


Großartig! Eins Stimme die fesselt!


...beautifully shot in black & white gives a nice visual atmosphere "Across the Sea" fine album guys!


Esta canción tiene de todo. Gracias por vuestra música.


Amigos, sensacional!!! Mais uma vez incrível.


Extremely great effort with this release. loved the closing build up . Everything carried out impeccably . Amazed again......This song really took me where i now depend on Fleesh to deliver me


Thank you so much for your kind words, Darold! Really means a lot for us!!!!!!

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