Heligoland Lyrics

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I wait on my own for a little sign
When will I find it?
If you were mine in another life
I'm sure that I would wish for more
I remember I would stay up all night
My enemy was love
I opened up my home when I wanted to hide
I let you inside
What if I can't decide?
And, what if it all was wrong?
At least I tried
At least I tried

All that I ever learned was that this never ends
And all that I wanted was an illusion

Overall Meaning

In the first verse of "Wish," the singer expresses the longing for some kind of indication or signal that will provide guidance or clarity. They seem to be waiting for a sign that will help them navigate through life's uncertainties. The phrase "If you were mine in another life, I'm sure that I would wish for more" suggests that the singer is reflecting on missed opportunities or unfulfilled desires. They imagine a different outcome in an alternate reality, where they would have wanted more from that particular relationship.

The second verse delves deeper into the singer's personal experience with love. They reminisce about staying awake all night, possibly lost in thought or struggling with the conflicting emotions love can bring. The line "My enemy was love" implies that love has caused pain or difficulties for the singer in the past. However, despite the struggles, they also reflect on a moment of vulnerability when they opened up their home to someone, letting them into their personal space. This gesture suggests a willingness to embrace love and potentially find solace in the presence of another person.

As the song progresses, the singer grapples with indecision and uncertainty. They question what would happen if they can't make a choice, and whether everything they have been pursuing was ultimately wrong. Despite these doubts, they express a sense of acceptance and resilience in saying "At least I tried." This line conveys the singer's willingness to take risks and explore different paths, even if the outcomes are uncertain or not entirely fulfilling.

The final lines of the song reflect a realization that the singer has learned something significant from their experiences. They have come to understand that the concept they once desired or chased was merely an illusion. The singer's longing for something intangible, which they believed would bring them happiness or fulfillment, is revealed to have been unrealistic or unattainable. This realization serves as a bittersweet conclusion to the song, symbolizing the growth and wisdom gained from striving for what is ultimately unattainable.

Line by Line Meaning

I wait on my own for a little sign
Sitting alone, I patiently anticipate a subtle indication of hope or guidance.

When will I find it?
I wonder and question when this awaited sign will finally cross my path.

If you were mine in another life
Imagining an alternate reality, I envision possessing your love and companionship.

I'm sure that I would wish for more
Confidently believing in the depth of my desires, I would certainly yearn for additional affection and happiness.

I remember I would stay up all night
Recalling moments from the past, I reflect on staying awake through the dark hours, possibly due to restlessness or longing.

My enemy was love
Love, paradoxically, became my adversary, causing emotional turmoil and pain.

I opened up my home when I wanted to hide
In times of desiring seclusion, I welcomed you into the shelter of my abode, exposing vulnerability and seeking solace.

I let you inside
I granted you access to the depths of my heart, allowing you to intimately understand me.

What if I can't decide?
Doubts arise, questioning my ability to make choices and fearing the consequences that may follow.

And, what if it all was wrong?
Contemplating the possibility of being misguided or mistaken in my actions and decisions.

At least I tried
Regardless of the outcome, I find solace in knowing that I made an effort and took a chance.

At least I tried
A reaffirmation of the previous line, emphasizing the importance of daring to try and take risks.

All that I ever learned was that this never ends
Through life's experiences, I have come to realize that the journey of searching and longing never truly ceases.

And all that I wanted was an illusion
The object of my desires and aspirations turned out to be nothing more than a deceptive fantasy.

Written by: David Olliffe, Karen Vogt, Steven Wheeler

Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind
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